I've been out of my office for the past week returning yesterday. My trip included a ministry meeting in Washington DC.When I got home and just before I went to bed, I did a quick perusal of the local newspaper, the Grand Rapids Press. One title hit like a brick: "Open minds or fuzzy minds?" "My religion not only path to God, Americans say; doctrinal ties weaken" Upon a second look I found that it was an Associated Press report. Here are a few lead points from the article: "… The findings, revealed Monday in a survey of 35,000 adults, can either be taken as a positive sign of growing religious tolerance, or disturbing evidence that Americans dismiss or don't know fundamental teachings of their own faiths. Among the more startling numbers in the survey, conducted last year by the Pew Forum on Religion and Public Life: 57 percent of evangelical church attenders said they believe many religions can lead to eternal life, in conflict with traditional evangelical teaching. … 'The survey shows religion in America is, indeed, 3,000 miles wide and only three inches deep,' said D. Michael Lindsay, a Rice University sociologist of religion. 'There's a growing pluralistic impulse toward tolerance and that is having theological consequences,' he said. …" http://hosted.ap.org/dynamic/stories/R/REL_RELIGION_SURVEY?SITE=CAGRA&SECTION=HOME&TEMPLATE=DEFAULT When I really stopped to think about it the article didn't surprise me. Continuing to quote "… The study confirmed some well-known political dynamics, including stark divisions over abortion and gay marriage, with the more religiously committed taking conservative views on the issues. …" (not surprisingly) In my years of serving in ministry, I have consistently noted that as I have gone out to speak about holiness, purity, decency, modesty that it has been a small core of people who have truly demonstrated passion over the concerns lifted up. A number of those began to stand with me themselves. Where would I be without these like-minded believers with conviction? Often, even within the church, I felt like I had the plague. (What's so wrong about watching Desperate Housewives, Grey's Anatomy?, purchasing Sports Illustrated Swimsuit, showing cleavage even in church?) Yet, here's a police chief that supports us here (and generously for many years). Here's the CEO of a hospital. Here is a highly regarded former chief of police. Over there a surgeon – faithfully standing with us. Here a school custodian – a faithful father and husband. All of these articulating similar concerns. For awhile, the slippage seemed slow. Now the slippery slope seems like it is at a 75 degree angle. The headlines of the next day paper read: "Grand Rapids joins sex ed trend" "Schools nationwide dump abstinence education, call it ineffective" GRAND RAPIDS — …. Nationally, a growing number of states are turning down federal money for abstinence-only programs offered through community health organizations. Michigan is one of 28 states still takes the money, accepting $1.1 million last year. …" http://www.mlive.com/grandrapids/stories/index.ssf?/base/news-42/121439971316950.xml&coll=6 Grand Rapids, Michigan? The home of all these churches. Like Wheaton, Illinois. There are so many Christian publishers, bookstores, seminaries, Christian colleges. How can this be? Will Christian parents rise up? What about pastors? Will they preach and stir Christian response? Will people show up and insist that abstinence-based sex education remain? Does anybody care? I believe with all of my heart that the Bible is the word of God. I believe that God calls out true believers to study the word for themselves, to memorize Scripture, to fight against sin in their own individual lives (and in their own neighborhoods and communities), to take the Word of God and ask for God's help and incorporate it into all areas of life, to fight the fight of faith. Paul writes "Yea, all who live godly in Christ Jesus will suffer persecution. But evil men and seducers shall wax worse and worse deceiving and being deceived." [II Timothy 3:12,13] Lastly, the lines are being drawn? Can't you feel it? See it? Read it in the daily newspaper? This includes in regard to our government and what side they are on. What will they push? What will they legalize and not legalize? Obama? McCain? There's a lot at stake here. Yet, with the growing lack of discernment and wisdom, I'm concerned to where the slippery slope trends are leading us. It's getting late. For more information: https://americandecency.org/resources/newsletters/2008/nwjuly08.pdf One thing that comes to mind is study the Word of God – diligently and daily and pray. To find a Bible believing church, join it and standfast. Also, to build up yourselves and others, I urge you to get involved in the Truth Project. See: http://www.thetruthproject.org/ [This is no fundraiser thing. This is about sharpening iron. You owe it to yourself to check it out and attend the event nearest you – scheduled for Saturday, September 27.] =============== I close again with these words: I fight on needing the power of God — My hope is built on nothing less Than Jesus' blood and righteousness; I dare not trust the sweetest frame, But wholly lean on Jesus' name. When darkness veils His lovely face, I rest on His unchanging grace; In every high and stormy gale, My anchor holds within the veil. His oath, His covenant, His blood Support me in the whelming flood; When all around my soul gives way, He then is all my hope and stay. When He shall come with trumpet sound, Oh, may I then in Him be found; Dressed in His righteousness alone, Faultless to stand before the throne. Refrain: On Christ, the solid Rock, I stand; All other ground is sinking sand, All other ground is sinking sand. ================== Thank you for helping us stay in the battle for Truth and decency. https://americandecency.org/folder.php?f=donate Bill Johnson, president
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