I was naive in 1985 and idealistic as I sensed God's call to stand against pornography! God used those qualities and He is still using them. For by the grace and power of God, we march on in His mighty name – trusting and believing that His Truth is marching on and His will is not being thwarted. We, indeed, are called to be proclaimers of His glorious Truth and to walk in His ways in a world that is not our home. Indeed, we are just passing through as image bearers of our very Creator.I got involved in a community "Citizens Against Pornography" group in my town of Fremont, Michigan. Even in small communities like Fremont there were stores selling and renting pornography. In numbers of communities both large and small citizen's groups were taking similar stands against pornography. A core of us got involved here and drove pornography out of this town and many other stores in local communities and throughout the state and warned thousands of the destructive nature of pornography. Across the state we were urging prosecutors to step up, and a number of them were – because people were encouraging their prosecutors to take action. And, some actually did take effective action. That was then and now is now. We knew then as we know now: Pornography will never be eradicated as long as man exists. It was recognized by many that it was at the very least important to keep it curtailed. Because it is evil and it destroys. Was pornography still available in Fremont after we seemingly drove it out? Of course, but if it was being sold I really don't know where. Under the counter is probably likely but it wasn't front and center for all to see – giving the appearance that it was acceptable and approved. It wasn't, and it isn't. But eternal vigilance is needed for "Evil triumphs when good people do nothing." [Edmund Burke] Pornography on the Internet Pornography on Myspace and other similar social networking concepts Pornography in one motel and hotel after another Pornography at the checkout Pornography on window displays at the local mall Pornography at military stores Pornography in advertising fliers that comes in the mail Pornography on television and at the movies And the silence is deafening. As the Bible states "When the salt has lost its salting effect it is good for nothing but to be trodden under foot of man." [Matthew 5:13] A quick side note: It was refreshing to hear one of the candidates last night promise that he would actively fight against child pornography and sexual predators stating according to CNN "… The presidential nominee [John McCain] also said he would work to promote cooperation between federal and local officials to fight child pornography and online sexual predators. …" Further: “… The speech emphasized many issues social conservatives have championed. McCain railed against a tendency in our age to accede to the spurious excuse of moral relativism and turn away from the harshest examples of man's inhumanity to man, to ignore the darker side of human nature that encroaches upon our decency by subtle degree.'…" http://www.cnn.com/2008/POLITICS/05/07/mccain.conservatives/index.html In this vein, it is the intention of various pro-family groups to gather together in Washington DC for a prayer breakfast, conference and a public demonstration of concern outside of the Justice Department and FBI building – encouraging our leaders to step up and protect us from sexual entrepreneurs and predators fueled by pornography. =========================== Join with us in Washington, D.C. On Monday, May 19 YOU can participate in one or more events • A Prayer Breakfast from 8:00 to 9:00 am • A Conference from 9:00 to 11:00 am PLACE: National Press Club (Murrow Room on 13th floor) 529 14th St., NW, Washington, DC • An Orderly Demonstration from 11:30 – 1:30 pm PLACE: U.S. Justice Department (& FBI) headquarters 950 Pennsylvania Ave, NW, Wash., D.C. Conference agenda: What happens when obscenity laws are not vigorously enforced? Why it’s important for the next President to enforce federal obscenity laws vigorously. Conference speakers: Experts on obscenity law and the effects of pornography; Organizational leaders; Presidential candidates invited. TO ATTEND THE PRAYER BREAKFAST OR CONFERENCE YOU MUST CALL (212) 870-3210 or (703) 771-9723. Call same numbers for more information. Participating organizations include: American Decency Association, American Family Association, Athletes & Business For Kids, CatholicVote.org, Citizens for Community Values, Concerned Women for America, CP80 Foundation, Family Research Council, Focus on the Family, Girls Against Pornography, Marriage Savers, Maryland Coalition Against Pornography, Morality in Media, more to come… —————————– Thank you for helping us stay in the battle for Truth and decency. https://americandecency.org/folder.php?f=donate Bill Johnson, president ———- American Decency Association Bill Johnson, President P.O. Box 202 Fremont, MI 49412 ph:231-924-4050 fax:231-924-1966 www.americandecency.org
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