How can you have a website on the Internet?

By: American Decency Staff

As we have been discussing myspace the last week, here are two questions that several have raised.You will note, however, that the questioner below does use a little sarcasm along with his questions.Mr. Johnson, How can you have a website on the internet? I have seen so many terrible things on the internet, why would you be associated with it? For that matter why would you be a human? I've met some truly horrible people and can't believe a person of God would consider themself a human. It just makes me sick. What Would Jesus Do? I don't think he would avoid all the "bad" parts of something, would he? Our response: Actually Jesus did avoid the bad parts of everything! [He did not participate in sinful acts.] Although He walked among sinners He NEVER supported a sinful behavior in any way. A Christian that uses Myspace is financially supporting sinful behaviors. Every click, every profile, every view creates ad revenue support for myspace and all the sinful immoral content. MySpace is NOT the entire Internet, it is only one site. You can use the good on the Internet without using the bad. Because it is only one site, use of the Internet does not financially support myspace. Only use of myspace financially supports myspace. That is why a Christian should never use myspace. So there is no problem with you or me or ADA having a web site, the problem is with having a web site on MySpace! Another question: Are you guys really so off the deep end of fundamentalism and general idiocy or are you actually just a plant by the left to make your side look bad? Because if it's true that your organization thinks the way they do, then there's a strong possibility that you'll destroy what little faith I have in humanity. Seriously, is this some sort of joke? i really hope so. Sincerely, A.S. Our response: Faith in humanity is misplaced. Your faith should be in God. I'm sorry you question our mental acuity. Our mission is to be faithful to God and to be there to help others. We take the Word of God very seriously. We don't consider nudity, divorce, pedophilia, fornication, alcoholism and drug abuse to be a joke and yet myspace promotes and endorses all of these destructive behaviors. If you are criticizing us for caring then so be it. Our July bulletin insert Oh that many churches would make this information available to their people that moms and dads and their children would be urged to seek "higher ground" and not give place for Satan. The Minefield of Donations accepted: American Decency Association Bill Johnson, President P.O. Box 202 Fremont, MI 49412 ph: 231-924-4050

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