November 5, 2008
As I left the office yesterday, I wept.
I wept. I wept for the anticipated voting results.
I wept for our country. I wept for my family, and I wept for myself. I then collected myself and got together with a few friends and family to witness together the news of the night regarding America’s choice for its President.
We took a shellacking yesterday. We were taken to the woodshed. And, we had it coming. Our God has been so merciful to America. He has protected our skies, waters, cities, our communities. He has granted us fresh air, farm land and its wondrous farm products. He has granted us freedom of speech and religion and press and even so much more.
Our living standard has been so far beyond any other peoples of the world.
In many of our communities, there is seemingly a church on every corner. Christian books and Bibles adorn our bookshelves in our very own homes. Our airwaves have Christian programming in abundance.
Inspite of His blessing and His hand upon us we are a wayward people. We have worshipped other gods. Pornography fills our airwaves and millions upon millions watch it, buy it, act out from it and go back for more and some (many) go to church on Sundays unrepentant this Sunday and the next.
Untold numbers hold back their tithe from the Lord, His church, His ministries, as many place self-pleasuring as their priority.
This election, in my opinion, wasn’t so much a referendum on our culture (though it was) as much as a referendum on the church.
And I don’t know what to do about it other than this. I want to be right with God – starting with myself. I want to be true to Him in all I say and do – oh help me God.
I’m thankful – so very thankful that I am a part of a church that has a pastor that is preaching and teaching Truth (not whatever is popular at the given time) but His Truth. I am receiving spiritual food and so is my family and that is vital that they know Him and are growing in their knowledge of Truth and application of it.
I want to be true in sitting Sunday after Sunday under the Word of God. I want to be a man of prayer, a man that tithes and gives beyond the tithe, that loves my wife as Christ loves the Church, that visits the lonely, the shut in and lives for Christ – pursuing holiness and turning away from wickedness; a man that loves my children and grandchildren and a person that my loved ones can know now and remember as a man who walked with the Lord.
We were taken to the woodshed yesterday. I’m not depressed, discouraged, nor angry. God, indeed, IS in control!
I’m encouraged and strengthened knowing that God’s sovereignty was unfolded last evening. His ways are perfect.
Christ loves the church!
He gave His only begotten Son for it. This world is not our home. We are to live as pilgrims in a foreign land – forsaking the world; not being conformed to it but presenting our bodies a living sacrifice, holy, acceptable unto God which is our reasonable service.
May God raise up His remnant in these darkening days that the world may know that Christ lives – that He may be glorified!
“O Father, You are Sovereign”
O Father, You are sovereign
In all the worlds You made;
Your mighty Word was spoken,
And light and life obeyed.
Your voice commands the seasons
And bounds the ocean’s shore,
Sets stars within their courses
And stills the tempests’ roar.
O Father, You are sovereign
In all affairs of man;
No powers of death or darkness
Can thwart Your perfect plan.
All chance and change transcending,
Supreme in time and space,
You hold your trusting children
Secure in Your embrace.
O Father, You are sovereign
The Lord of human pain,
Transmuting earthly sorrows
To gold of heavenly gain,
All evil overruling,
As none but Conqueror could,
Your love pursues its purpose-
Our souls’ eternal good.
O Father, You are sovereign!
We see You dimly now,
But soon before Your triumph
Earth’s every knee shall bow.
With this glad hope before us
Our faith springs forth anew:
Our Sovereign Lord and Savior,
We trust and worship You!
American Decency Association
Bill Johnson, President
P.O. Box 202
Fremont, MI 49412
ph: 231-924-4050
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