Do you feel that A&F’s black and white murals are too provocative?

By: American Decency Staff

Personal note: Every now and then I have the opportunity to do interviews with college students in regard to things like: "Is ADA pro-censorship?" "Do I think that Abercrombie & Fitch's advertising is unethical", "What's wrong with Victoria's Secret using advertisements that feature models that exhibit lingerie, etc.".Here is an interview that I did with a Kent State University student earlier in the week. Question: Do you feel that A&F's advertising is unethical, and if so why? My answer: As a former public school teacher (I taught elementary aged children and also hearing impaired children for 18 years). I have seen the quality of life for families decline at an ever increasing pace. As the moral standards decline, people become more self-centered and acclimated to lower standards – life becomes cheapened. Those who have never seen a kinder, yes, a more decent time, don't know any difference. They begin to acclimate to the cheapening of life, using people for sex without regard for their life and well-being. There is little to no sense of righteous indignation. What we tolerate, little by little, we accept. What we accept becomes the norm. Moral dumbing down leads to an amorality and immoral society. Corporations like A&F take advantage of the lowering of standards and use sex to sell. They push sexual imagery as far as they can. The catalog they once sold is an excellent example – full frontal and rear nudity, group sex. Do I think that A&F 's advertising is unethical? I think the answer is clear. Question: Who do you feel is A&F's target market? My answer: Though A&F has said it is college aged, it is interesting that not many college age youth seem to wear their stuff. It is mostly high schoolers desirous of being over the edge and concerned about being avante garde. Question: Do you agree with Michigan's Jennifer Granholm's boycott of A&F and her labeling of a "Playboy for kids?" My answer: Michigan's former Attorney General Jennifer Granholm didn't call for a boycott of A&F. She did, however, make it abundantly clear to A&F that if they continued to sell their pornographic catalog to minors that she would prosecute them. She told them to cease and desist or face prosecution. She shared her concern with other state attorney generals in late 1999 or early 2000. If she did in fact label A&F's catalog "Playboy for kids" – yes she was absolutely right on. We have copies of their catalog. The images were very hot, pornographic and addictive – of that there is no question. And, pornography does addict and lead to many degrading and destructive consequences. Question: Do you feel that discontinuing A&F's quarterlies was enough and was it irresponsible of A&F to say it was for counter space? My answer: I believe that A&F's discontinuing the production and sales of their catalog was necessitated by the mounting pressure from the public from coast to coast and the resulting diminishment of profits. A&F still, however, often has posters and billboards within their stores that are totally inappropriate in a store for adolescents. Yes. It was dishonest for A&F to say that the reason they discontinued the production and sale of their catalogs was due to counterspace. Question: Do you feel that A&F's black and white murals are too provocative? My answer: I think by the fact that you are even asking me that question provides the answer. If there was nothing questionable about them you wouldn't be asking the question. Yes. Some of them are, too, as you say, provocative. Question: Are you in agreement with those who are against the messages that A&F prints on their t-shirts and thong underwear? My answer: Again, my answer is similar to the above. Yes some of them are inappropriate. Question: Do you feel that it is appropriate that A&F is offering a donation of $10 million to be named on the new emergency room at Nationwide Children's Hospital in Columbus? My Answer: No. I don't think it's inappropriate for A&F to offer a donation of $10 mlllion to a children's hospital. That doesn't make all the smut peddling they do right. The ends don't justify the means. We have seen sex shops do similarly. They addict, degrade, desensitize, damage the patrons coming into gawk at topless dancers then publicize all the good that they do. Collect canned goods and give them away at Thanksgiving for example. Some how that's supposed to make us think "See smut shops aren't so bad after all. Look at all the good they do." ======================== Your stand with us will be a great encouragement and help as we continue to fight the fight of faith on the spiritual battlefields God has called us to. ==================================== Giving remains significantly down. We were forced to cut hours for two staff last week and salary cuts for three individuals for the year total $32,000 (between the three). Thank you for getting involved. American Decency Association Bill Johnson, President P.O. Box 202 Fremont, MI 49412 ph:231-924-4050 fax:231-924-1966

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