Do Not be Deceived by “Twilight”

By: Steve Huston

As Christians we know from God’s Word that we should: “Test all things; hold fast what is good. Abstain from every form of evil.” I Thessalonians 5:21-22

Yet too many Christians rationalize their friendship with the world – dabbling with the newest form of entertainment – testing their involvement with such things against the world’s standards and not God’s.

The latest example is the vampire movie “Twilight” – wildly popular with teens. A discerning look in scripture would show the Christian what God has to say about dabbling with the occult and embracing darkness. And yet many Christians teens are caught up in the “Twilight” phenomena and, sadly, even some well-respected Christian ministries are not doing all that they should to warn families to avoid such a movie, and instead have lifted up so call “positive” themes within the movie.

As Ingrid Schlueter, writing for Christian Worldview Network states:
“…It is the equivalent of looking for some edible morsel of food in a dumpster of maggot-covered garbage. God says to flee these things, not try to find something positive to say about what is already off limits to believers. Too many Christian movie review sites today are not faithfully conveying what God’s Word has to say. Scripture warns us in James 4:4 that friendship with the world is enmity against God. We are not to go running to everything the world has to offer and try desperately to find some redemptive feature in material that is, on its face, rebellion against God.

“…Time to focus on the Word of God instead of trying to find a pro-family theme in a vampire movie with occult content. Don’t whine about losing the “culture”, anybody. Christians have bent over backwards to become the culture and now are indistinguishable from it.”
And Eric Barger, also writing for Christian Worldview Network gives this warning: “…I will admit that in comparison, the content of “Twilight” seems lightweight in the overall scheme of today’s motion picture industry. … However, have we stooped so low as to say ‘Twilight,’ with its vampire heroes and PG-13 rating is somehow more acceptable than the more gruesome R rated jobs?’ Is ‘not as bad as’ somehow a prerequisite making something OK for our kids? Since when did the “lesser-of-two-evils” become a biblical principle? … Twilight is nothing short of Satan’s cloak of evil; appearing good. Remember, the most deceptive evil is not the most obvious. It is the most subtle. It also induces more people who may be repulsed by overt darkness to begin the journey from right to wrong. …”

I recommend reading Barger’s complete cautionary review of “Twilight” at the link above. Included are four principles for you to use and to share with youth that will help each of us in making entertainment choices based on God’s Word and His principles – not those of the world.

American Decency Association
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