The following comments came as a result of yesterday's email that I mailed entitled "Porn industry defeatable?" In part, I stated "Can we defeat the pornography industry? No. Not this side of Heaven. But we can defeat pornography in our own individual lives and live lives that lift up Christ and His love, grace and holiness. We can still keep it out and give the clear message to a watching world that pornography is destructive and evil. …" Several commented. One saying I have a defeatist attitude about the pornography problem. I don't think I have a defeatist attitude. Here's a partial reason why: I wouldn't continue to oppose pornography if I thought it was impossible and fruitless. Here are a few of the things that I have done through ministries that I have headed (a local chapter of the NFD/AFA – 1985-1987 American Family Association of Michigan – 1987-1999, and American Decency Association – 1999-2008) *** Drove out pornographic magazines and video tapes out of a number of local stores in my community and adjoining communities *** Met with county prosecutors (Kalamazoo, Wayne [Detroit], Oakland, Kent [Grand Rapids], Genesee [Flint], Saginaw, Bay City, Muskegon, Newaygo, Montcalm, Macomb counties) throughout my state over a number of years on a regular basis urging county prosecutors to enforce the law against illegal pornography (obscenity). *** Worked to pass strengthened obscenity legislation in the state of Michigan – giving Michigan one of the strongest pieces of legislation in the country re: hardcore, illegal pornography *** Wrote letters to 1,000 advertisers a month for a number of years. Over 15,000 advertisers that once advertised on the Howard Stern Radio Show – nationwide discontinued advertising on Stern. Ultimately, 23 radio stations dropped the Stern Show. *** Wrote letters to over 600 supermarket chains over a years period of time urging them to either place blinders over inappropriate magazines or to place those magazines back in the magazine rack. Over 40 supermarkets responded that they would be instituting positive actions. *** Applied pressure upon our local mall(s) to urge Victoria's Secret and Abercrombie & Fitch – as two examples – to not use pornographic displays. With some success and the work goes on. *** etc. =============================================== And there can never be any letting up in this ongoing battle, because as soon as you have a temporary victory, Satan will worm his way into another crevice, and he does. "And because all we like sheep have turned away. We have each turned each one to his own way." [Isaiah 53:6] Men are sinners prone to wander. Prone to drift away from God and His great plan for our lives – "to be Holy for He is Holy". [I Peter 1:15,16] That includes people of standing and position as we've seen: doctors, lawyers, attorneys, judges, teachers, ministers, etc.. There is a market for pornography and people fall. David fell. If he can fall, anyone of us can! The sex entrepreneurs know it. They play off it. Dangling legs, behinds, breasts in tantalizing ways in front of potential customers. Sex drives sales. That will not change. So the battle is continuous. It is not going to go away – ever! Eternal vigilance is needed and man is not capable of being eternally vigilant. (We tire. We age. We have health issues. Others need to step up to take our place. There is a faltering.) But, God never fails nor falters. His plan is unfolding and in the end He is the victory that overcomes the world. Will prosecutors prosecute? Will police investigate? Will pastors preach against it? Will Mom's and Dad's model good discernment in what they watch, listen to, purchase? Will they stay away from porn sites on the Internet? Will children obey their parents? The following comments/questions: "… With God all things are possible. You have a defeatist attitude about the pornography problem. That is sad. We have turned our backs on God and thus our problem. If we, as Christians, could just realize that God is with us and if we will be his hands and feet we can win it in our family, in our town, in our county and in our nation. …" MY RESPONSE: I don't think I have a defeatist attitude about it. I wouldn't continue to oppose pornography if I thought it was fruitless. [SEE MY INITIAL STATEMENT ABOVE] ———————– "… Steve mentions, "even in our church". What did he mean, please? …" MY RESPONSE: I think Steve means that even within the church meaning that you would expect the church to actively stand against pornography and not itself be part of the problem as it is. Church goers, too, are sinners prone to wander. They do wander. They falter. They sin. I hope this helps answer your question. —————- "… I would like to know why also! When did it become not a crime? …" MY RESPONSE: Our email didn't say that it wasn't a crime. It's just that laws against obscenity (hardcore pornography) largely go unenforced. That has been true for quite some time. In other words, a video outlet can rent XXX rated material largely without concern about being prosecuted. LASTLY, We fight out of victory! We fight out of victory in knowing that Christ has ultimately defeated Satan. Those of us who truly are saved will one day live with Him in glory. Those who have rejected Him will occupy hell with Satan everlastly. This spiritual battle will be fought until He comes again! In the meantime, we are called to be faithful!!! ============================================================= "…It is light: if it exists, it will show itself. It is salt: if it exists, its savor will be perceived. It is a precious ointment: if it exists, its presence cannot be hid. …" =========================================================== American Decency Association Bill Johnson, President P.O. Box 202 Fremont, MI 49412 ph: 231-924-4050
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