Counsel and caution

By: American Decency Staff

Below is the conclusion of my interview with Steve Ensley, president of American Family Online. Steve’s responses bring counsel and caution vital for all of us. The tempter’s snare is very real and very prevalent – and the Internet is no exception. How important it is to protect our selves and our loved ones from being drawn into sin or becoming victimized by the sin of others.For more information on what you can do, go to Q. Tell us a little about the organization you lead. What do you see as your calling? A. AFO (American Family Online) was founded 10 years ago to help protect families from the dark side of the Internet. Since then we have devoted our lives and resources to education and technology specifically designed to help protect individuals and families. It is a common misconception that Internet filtering is primarily needed for children. Unfortunately the sad truth is that 85% of the Internet victims, people actually harmed by the Internet, are adults and not children! So a filter has to protect all members of the family, not just the children. That is our calling, to help families avoid temptation and the great spiritual harm caused by the Internet. Q. What do you offer to people to assist them in keeping themselves and their families free of the pollution of this world? A. We have a great selection of tools and services too numerous to mention here, but there is more information on how to protect your family at Q. What counsel do you have for those with teens and younger children still in their homes? A. Actually the same advice I would have for all families and individuals. DO NOT use the Internet without some sort of protection. Keep access to the Internet in a public area of your home and not in a bedroom. Make an effort to be knowledgeable about the Internet usage in your home. 8. What counsel can you provide for those married to someone that has a pornography problem? This is a very difficult question to answer because no two situations are the same but in general when it gets to that stage, aggressive professional and/or pastoral counseling is usually necessary. If the offending spouse will not seek counseling it is even more important for the other spouse to get help. This level of problem almost never can be solved without help. [ADA Note: For information on sources to turn to for help please call us at 1-888-733-2326 or email] 9. Lastly, how does pornography destroy? Some still say that pornography is victimless. What makes you so sure that it isn't victimless? I think every female knows instinctively that pornography is harmful. Beyond that, the psychological evidence is overwhelming regarding impact on relationships and marriages. Finally and most important to me is that I get the first hand stories every week of marriages, relationships and pastorates being destroyed by the deception of pornography. Pornography is the world's biggest lie. Air brushed models, false relationships, sex without commitment, these are all lies, The do not exist and have no basis in truth. Engaging in pornography is engaging in deceit and lies to your self and to the people who love you. And deceit always destroys! =============== To view a video presentation that Steve did with me last summer in regard to the Internet and Myspace go to the following link and scroll to the bottom under "From the President" Thank you for helping us stay in the battle for Truth and decency. Bill Johnson, president ———- American Decency Association Bill Johnson, President P.O. Box 202 Fremont, MI 49412 ph:231-924-4050 fax:231-924-1966

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