Comments of concern re: Levi Strauss and Levi response

By: Steve Huston

“… I am an avid purchaser of Levi jeans. But not anymore. I did email the Levi company and stated my disapproval of their commercial and did let them know I will never buy another pair of Levi’s until something is done about their commercial. …” October 8, 2008

Comments on Levi Strauss ad “Unbutton your beast.”

Comment 1: A letter to Levi Strauss

As a long time Levi Strauss jeans wearer, I am giving my jeans to Salvation Army and will not buy any again until you clean up your act. I am a grandfather of 13 and your new ad is disgusting. It is embarrassing. The founders of your company must be spinning in their graves and I hope they come back to haunt you.

You have degraded a formerly ‘salt of the earth’ great company founded on hard work and ethics. Unbutton your beast? That is so obscenely childish. What you need is some older moral advisors to get back that to the basic American values that your company used to stand for.

Comment #2:

Thanks so much. It is so scary – thank The Lord that we have Him on our side.

Comment #3: Addressed to Levi

Count me as a non purchaser of Levi products based on your vile ad. It’s disgusting!

Comment #4:

I sent a protest letter to Levi. That was the worst ad I’ve seen lately, at least. …

Comment #5 … most disgusting ad ever seen

Thank you so much for making me aware of the new Levi commercial. I have not seen it as of yet but did check out their website. I am an avid purchaser of Levi jeans. But not anymore. I did email the Levi company and stated my disapproval of their commercial and did let them know I will never buy another pair of Levi’s until something is done about their commercial.

That was the most disguisting bit of advertisement I have ever seen. I could not even watch the whole commercial. We need and must take a stand against such vulgarity. Thank you for making me aware.
Sterling Heights, MI

Comment #6: pathetic commercial

Dear Bill,
An email has been sent to Levi Strauss over this pathetic commercial, and I forwarded this to everyone on my email list so I’m sure a good number of them will send an email as well. I am
constantly amazed at how sex is used to sell most everything from clothing to beer to toothpaste and beyond.
Thanks for all you do.

Comment #7: … it is disgusting

Oh my gosh, that is terrible. I clicked on the link, and could only stand seeing 2 seconds of it. It is disgusting. Thank you for your work!

Comment #8: … horrifying

Dear Bill,

This is horrifying! Thank you so much for confronting this disgusting ad campaign.

Comment #9: A response from Levi Strauss

Dear brother Johnson,

I thought you might be interested in the email reply I received from Levis when I expressed my serious concerns about their ad. I realize this may be a “canned” response, but in any regard it was shocking to receive!

Levi Strauss’ response letter:

Thanks for contacting us at Levi Strauss & Co. We appreciate your comments about our “Unbutton Your Beast” digital initiative.

We try hard to connect in meaningful ways with the enormously diverse range of people who wear our jeans. Sometimes, we miss the mark and sincerely apologize if you feel this is one of those times.

Thanks again for letting us know your comments and concerns. We will definitely pass them on to our marketing and advertising colleagues who pay close attention to consumer feedback.

Please feel free to contact us again if we can be of further assistance. Just email us back, or call us at 1-800-USA-LEVI. We’re available Monday – Friday, 6:00am – 4:30pm Pacific Time.
Levi Strauss & Co.

Comment #10:


Momma used to wash, starch, iron Levis for us three boys, from about 5 or 6 years old, till we all left home. I quit them about 20 years ago, when they first went off the ledge with their advertising. I cannot wish them any good.

I wrote them again today


Comment #11: … not easily shocked but …

TKU for informing me about the offensive Levi Strauss promotional materials. I’m not easily shocked but its hard to imagine anyone in their right mind could approve of that material. Which is kind of what I said when I wrote to them. God bless you guys.


Contact Levi and join us in boycotting them.

Levi Strauss & Co.
R. John Anderson – President and CEO
1155 Battery St.
San Francisco, CA 94111
Phone: 415-501-6000
Fax: 415-501-7112
Toll Free: 800-872-5384

For your information, the reason for the boycott of Levis Strauss in earlier years is as follows:

Levi Strauss cut off financial support for the Boy Scouts of America because the BSA would not allow homosexuals and atheists to be scoutmasters. Promote the boycott of Levi’s, Dockers and Signature

American Decency Association
Bill Johnson, President
P.O. Box 202
Fremont, MI 49412
ph: 231-924-4050


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