First, this correction from yesterday. I incorrectly referred to the picket of Victoria’s Secret occurring in Odem, Utah. I meant Orem, Utah. A special apology to those whom I inadvertently slighted or offended with this mistake. I stand corrected.
A headline in the Monday Detroit Free Press reads:
Detroit prosecutor releases 10 most violent list with warnings. There are vile acts of decapitation, throat-slitting and chain saw gore and they’re potentially at the fingertips of children.
“So says Wayne County Prosecutor Kym Worthy, who released a Top 10 list Monday of the most violent video games played by teens.
‘The last year has convinced me more than ever that children are at risk of becoming desensitized to violence and can exhibit more aggressive behavior if they repeatedly play certain violent video games,’ Worthy said in a story first posted Monday on freep.com. …”
Personal note:
This is another area deserving of our careful discernment. It will be a hot day in December (in Michigan) before I would ever purchase one of these video games for one of my now adult children or grandchildren. Nor would most of you reading this. However, there will always be those in our midst who surprise us. May this list help even those rethink such a purchase.
A more complete list from a Christian perspective can be found at the Timothy Plan web page at:
“With Christmas and the gift giving season approaching, we are pleased to offer this information to anyone concerned with the content of the video games you or your loved ones may be considering as Christmas gifts. We hope this list will help you achieve a better understanding of some of the most violent and anti-family games available to date, and that you’ll find it useful when considering which games you want in your home.
This complimentary guide contains information on the most popular video games. We listed some of the worst offenders, based on biblical principles, as well as a few game titles that did not fail our screens. It is our goal to carefully represent accurate and complete information and not mislead consumers. ..”
Lastly —
We have just 15 days to make the match challenge that was extended to us earlier in the year and then renewed also in recent months.
Our match numbers are as follows as of 15 (9:45 am)
89 gifts totalling $9,211.06
We are trying to reach our goal of $10,000 in gifts from new donors or those who haven’t given since before 2007.
If you benefit from our email alerts, I encourage you to show your tangible support. Your gift of any amount will be doubled. We will continue by the grace of God and the help of His people.
We hope you will want to help push us over the top!
Again, our match numbers are as follows as of December 16 (9:40 am)
89 gifts totalling $9,211.06
To donate online:
American Decency Association
Bill Johnson, President
P.O. Box 202
Fremont, MI 49412
ph: 231-924-4050
Call us:
231-924-4050Email us:
info@americandecency.orgWrite us:
American Decency AssociationCopyright 2025 American Decency