Christian world and life view or ….

By: American Decency Staff

"Make no mistake. We as Bible-believing evangelical Christians are locked in a battle. This is not a friendly gentleman's discussion. It is a life and death conflict between the spiritual hosts of wickedness and those who claim the name of Christ. It is a conflict on the level of ideas between two fundamentally opposed views of truth and reality. …" Francis A. Schaeffer As we lose a Christian world and life view in America, we lose our love for the preciousness of life. As life is devalued, degraded, diminished in the eyes of Americans – one by one, it opens the window to unthinkable things – like we see all around us today! Pornography- the cheapening of life through images depicting coarse, ungodly behaviors and images – women willing to have their bodies degraded and displayed for a buck. Malls and grocery stores help to push this godless view of life by mindlessly exhibiting and selling merchandise that further contributes to the degradation and decline of men and women and America. Abortion Homosexuality Heinous killings – even moms and dads killing infants and children Adultery Fornication Same sex marriages Francis Schaeffer spoke eloquently of this in the 80s and wrote about it so intellectually and spiritually. Some of you reading this recall his influence. His voice still speaks to those who have ears capable of hearing. "Make no mistake. We as Bible-believing evangelical Christians are locked in a battle. This is not a friendly gentleman's discussion. It is a life and death conflict between the spiritual hosts of wickedness and those who claim the name of Christ. It is a conflict on the level of ideas between two fundamentally opposed views of truth and reality. It is a conflict on the level of actions between a complete moral perversion and chaos and God's absolutes. Do we really believe we are in a life and death battle? Do we really believe that the part we play in the battle has consequences for whether or not men and women will spend eternity in hell? Or whether or not in this life people will live with meaning or meaninglessness? Or whether or not those who do live will live in a climate of moral perversion and degradation? Sadly, we must say that very few in the evangelical world have acted as if these things are true. …" [Taken from the Great Evangelical Disaster, Francis A. Schaeffer, Crossway Books, p.31,32] An mp3 message from Dr. Francis A. Schaeffer. [A Christian Manifesto] – presented in 1982 — Download and listen when you are able to listen and consider prayerfully this vital message. [The introduction to Dr. Schaeffer is inadvertently missing.] click here ==================================== If you think our efforts are worthy, would you please support us with a small gift? Thank you for caring enough to get involved. ========================== American Decency Association Bill Johnson, President P.O. Box 202 Fremont, MI 49412 ph:231-924-4050 fax:231-924-1966

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