“Blessed are those who fear the Lord and walk in His ways.”

By: Steve Huston

“Blessed are those who fear the Lord and walk in His ways.”
Psalm 128:1 (NIV)

I noted this brief passage as I saw it on a card that someone had sent me in recent days. What a great word:
“Blessed are those who fear the Lord and walk in His ways.”

How precious it is to know the Lord and to have ones heart beat with joy at the mention of His mighty Name and the reading of His Word.

“For by grace are ye saved through faith; and that not of yourselves, it is the gift of God. Not of works, lest any man should boast.” Ephesians 2:8,9 KJV

And out of that love for God is the response – to be His workmanship even unto good works.

One of our supporters, a board member, homeschooling mother in her thirties – found the time to respond to an email alert last week regarding the scantily clad nature of a cover of a newspaper’s TV Guide.

She wrote a letter to the editor of the Grand Rapids Press expressing her concern regarding its inappropriate nature responding to our email alert.

Mr. Mike Lloyd, the editor responded graciously:

“… The picture chosen was far less provocative than many other snapshots of the action on that show (90210) and certainly quite tame compared to its overall content. In the view of the editors of the television guide, people with experience and a feel for the overall programming any given week, this was The show to highlight. I do respect their judgment.

But I also respect yours and that of other readers in our market, thinking about their own families and family values.

I am going to take your note and share it with the editors here. Those who review the preview copies of proposed covers can always use a reminder that Grand Rapids is not like everywhere else in the United States. We should be proud of that and nourish it.
Mike Lloyd

Did my friend’s email make a difference? There is no doubt that it did – reminding persons like Mr. Lloyd that there are people out there whose hearts and souls resound with a desire for decency laboring to raise and train their children decently and rightly.

Then there are others like this writer (below) who on occasion likes to remind me of how out of it I am.

He writes:

I’ve said it before, and will say it again: you have a very sad existence if something like this ad for a TV program in the newspaper is a problem. Nobody’s naked; those are typical swimsuits you see at poolside. Oh, I almost forgot – you probably don’t go to a pool or the shore. And you don’t have a TV? There’s lots more on the tube than programs like you are complaining about here. Discovery, Science Channel – they both have some pretty good educational stuff. How about PBS? Sci-Fi Channel does well also, and there’s no sex there (which should make you happy). These are just a few channels that are available for viewing that are not mind-numbingly dumb. You just have to search them out. And, who says you even have to have networks like CW even programmed into your TV? We (my wife and I) don’t have CW, ABC, NBC, CBS and a few others not programmed in. So when we’re scanning through we only see what we want to see.

Oh well, without a TV, you won’t have to worry about the digital transition next year.

My response to Jack:

Dear Jack:

Thanks for your comments. I readily admit you represent more the mainstream thinking and living than I do. “Just turn the channel if you don’t like it.” I don’t know why you begrudge me my desire to keep myself and others unspotted from the world.

However, for me, I admit that I want to walk the narrow way. I am one who believes the narrow way (rather than the broad way) is the way of the cross and Christ. I can’t do it without the help of God. I need His help every day to live for Him and to stand for Him – that He would be glorified. With all of the assaults upon our moral sensibilities, we can’t do it on our own.

“Take up your cross and follow me.”
“In the world but not of it.”
“If you deny me, I’ll deny you.”
“Pursue holiness without which no man shall see the Lord.”
“You are the salt and light of the world.”
“Blessed are those who fear the Lord and walk in His ways.”

American Decency Association
Bill Johnson, President
P.O. Box 202
Fremont, MI 49412
ph: 231-924-4050

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