Recently we reported on the Police Chief from Flint, Michigan who has instituted a policy to take action against those wearing saggy pants that expose underwear or bare bottoms. He stated, “Some people call it a fad, but I believe it’s a national nuisance. It is indecent and thus is indecent exposure, which has been on the books for years.â€Â
On June 27, the chief issued a departmental memorandum telling officers: “This immoral self expression goes beyond freedom of expression.” Those in violation can be charged with a misdemeanor – either disorderly conduct or indecent exposure.
Some may say there are larger issues to focus on. That may be true, but a restoration of decency begins with little things. Setting a standard of what is acceptable dress when in public does send a message of respect for self and for others.
It’s quite evident where the idea of ‘anything goes’ is leading our society. Vulgarity is rampant in dress, language, behavior, entertainment. Kudos to a chief of police who in taking a stand against it!
Unfortunately, the ACLU would much rather see no limitations at all on vulgar expressions or behavior and is threatening to sue.
Family Research Council has written about the ACLU’s agenda:
“The heartland is poised to get some religious heartburn, courtesy of the American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU) and mega-donor George Soros. The organization best known for suing its way to Christian suppression has its eyes on some prime conservative real estate in its $335 million local expansion. Knowing that the biggest battles may soon be fought on the smallest scales, these agents of social injustice plan to “build a civil liberties infrastructure in the middle of the country,” bringing with it a radical agenda of homosexual rights, unlimited abortion, the extinction of the traditional family, and secularism. … The organization’s executive director, Anthony Romero, wasn’t coy about the far Left’s intent. “If Republicans lose control of Congress and the White House, we can be sure the religious right will be much more active on the state level–our work will be critical there.” By “our work,” Romero must have been referring to the ACLU’s efforts to persecute Christians and bully Americans into abandoning their moral beliefs. Now that Soros aims on bringing legal intimidation to our backyards, it is vital that we respond by stepping up our efforts.â€Â
And the ACLU is using those bullying tactics against the Flint Police Chief. According to a report in Detroit Free Press, the ACLU actually had the audacity to issue a deadline to the chief of police.
“…With Flint Police Chief David Dicks refusing to back down from his anti-saggy-pants policy, the ACLU is asking people to come forward for a possible lawsuit.
“We are confident that young men in Flint will contact us now that the chief has announced that he won’t budge,†said Michael J. Steinberg, legal director of the state ACLU. “If they do, we’ll sue.â€Â
The ACLU had said today would be the deadline for Dicks to halt the stopping and searching of individuals with low-riding pants exposing underwear or bare bottoms.â€Â
However, it may be the ACLU that is out of touch with what society accepts as ‘civil’ or a ‘liberty’. Many have expressed support for a ban on saggy pants that expose nudity or underwear. The article goes on to say:
“…Dicks said he has no plans to change anything.
‘â€ÂWe’re going to keep doing what we’re doing,†he said today. “I think people are catching on and pulling up their pants. I’m getting a lot of support from local parents and churches and the mayor said he supports me one thousand percent.â€Â…
Meanwhile, other cities are covering their behinds as well.
The suburban Chicago village of Lynwood, Ill., passed an ordinance last week that states people caught exposing three inches or more of their underwear will be fined $35.
“We need to stop this offensive and unsanitary behavior,†said Lynwood Mayor Eugene Williams. “We have to be big enough to take the heat.â€Â
Williams said he salutes Chief Dicks.
“Tell the chief in Flint that I support him,†he said. “And tell him to hang in there.â€Â
In Riviera Beach, Fla., more than 70 percent of the community’s voters approved a measure in March that imposes a series of penalties on saggers with each violation. First-time violators face a $150 fine. Third-time offenders could do jail time.
The crackdown has sparked national, even international, debate on what constitutes freedom of expression.
Terry Girard, an English teacher at Lawrence Technical University in Southfield, said she belongs to the ACLU, but can’t back them on the saggy pants.
“I think the ACLU is dead wrong here,†she said. “I see too many kids walking around like this. I don’t want to see someone’s underwear, and I definitely don’t want to see their bare butts either.â€Â
Catherine Meza, a teacher at Flint Community Schools, said the city has too many other problems to worry about saggers. ‘New Years Eve — you have to leave town because of all the gunfire,†she said. “People pretty much do what they want, and the only reason it isn’t worse is because the population is draining away.’†
If you would like to offer a word of support to Flint Chief of Police David Dicks, he can be contacted at:
Flint Chief of Police
David Dicks
City Hall
1101 S. Saginaw Street
Flint, Michigan 48502
810-237-6866 ext. 6868
American Decency Association
Bill Johnson, President
P.O. Box 202
Fremont, MI 49412
ph: 231-924-4050
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