A way to protect your family

By: American Decency Staff

It seems daily there are new reports of those who have been victimized by pornography, often via the Internet. Just this week I read of a heinous report from Kansas City, MO of a mother and her live-in boyfriend who have been charged with the sex trafficking of her own 12 year old daughter.“The indictment says Barkau [the mother’s boyfriend] began training the girl in 2000 when she was 12, and forced her to engage in sex acts with him and with other men. According to the indictment, he also had the girl watch pornography on the Internet as a teaching tool.â€Â http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/24586997 Pornography on the Internet harmless? Hardly. Earlier in the week I posted a portion of an interview that I did recently with my friend Steve Ensley. As you may recall, Steve is president of AFO (American Family Online) which was originally founded by the American Family Association in 1998. AFO is a Christian Internet Service Provider (ISP) that offers a filtered full service Internet and also a Filter-Only option. The mission of AFO is to help protect families and marriages by providing safer access to the Internet. AFO does this by providing access to the good material and by filtering out as much harmful and destructive material for it's subscribers as technology and human ability can deliver. Contact Steve for further information at: sensley@afo.net Below are several questions I asked Steve and his answers in response. Q. Is pornography/obscenity over the Internet protected by the First Amendment? Are there any laws that can be enforced? If so, is there any evidence that there is any powers that be out there enforcing them? A. No, pornography is not free speech and never has been, it is indecency. The major problem regarding laws and enforcement is that the Internet is a global behavior and most indecency laws are of a local nature. So law enforcement for the most part does not know how to enforce or prosecute these activities. Unfortunately, thanks to the lack of action and enforcement during the Clinton administration the activity has reach levels massively beyond the control of local enforcement. Had it been stopped in the 90s it would not be the problem it is today! But now we face a demon that now unfortunately can probably only be stopped by prayer and fasting as described in Scripture. Q. How rampant is government involved in sting operations? Would you expect that most every law enforcement agency has a sting operation team? A. There have been some attempts to prosecute the worst of the worst (such as incest and pedophilia). But under-funding, lack of prosecution, and sheer volume of the immoral behaviors has made it difficult for law enforcement. I don't mean this to sound critical of law enforcement. I know many many people in law enforcement that are extremely frustrated because of the lack of support from government and the public! If law enforcement were effective, there would not be over 25,000,000 porn sites on the Internet. Q. Is it possible any longer for parents to protect their families from pornography over the Internet and I include stopping nasty pictures via email? A. Yes, it is possible, but there are only two ways for that to happen. First, no Internet at all in the home and that still will not protect the family from other Internet access like at school, libraries or a friends house. Second, a Christian Internet web/email filter, that helps the family avoid temptation and the accidental exposure to immoral images. =============== Tomorrow we’ll continue the interview as Steve gives practical advice for parents to protect themselves and their families from the destruction of Internet pornography. To view a video presentation that Steve did with me last summer in regard to the Internet and myspace go to the following link and scroll to the bottom under "From the President" http://www.myafo.net/ Thank you for helping us stay in the battle for Truth and decency. https://americandecency.org/folder.php?f=donate Bill Johnson, president ———- American Decency Association Bill Johnson, President P.O. Box 202 Fremont, MI 49412 ph:231-924-4050 fax:231-924-1966 www.americandecency.org

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