A success story in a rural community near the Michigan state capitol

By: American Decency Staff

Several years ago I received a call from a woman who was concerned that her husband was frequenting a sex shop in Grand Rapids. She wanted to know what was going on in this particular place. My wife and I met with her and another concerned lady. They wanted to know for themselves what was going on. My wife and I met them for a brief meeting and a time of prayer and went in to see for ourselves. The night was relatively young when we arrived. There was the typical pole dancing scenario. There were signs posted advertising the cost for a lap dance and a couch dance though these had already been ruled illegal in a Michigan Supreme Court Case from the 90s (Michigan, State of v. Dizzy Duck (Mich, 535 NW2d 178, 449 Mich 353; March 1994) The ladies were appalled and heartbroken over what they saw. Concerned, these ladies took action. At that time, the victory that together we sought wasn't secured. The battle goes on. Nonetheless, these are important battles and there are victories. I have always been thankful to meet with people and stand with them as they do battle when their local township is threatened by someone(s) seeking a special use permit to set up a sex shop. In recent months, there was such a threat to Eagle Township in Clinton County, Michigan (just west of Lansing, MI). As the citizens became aware they rose up as one attending an Eagle Township meeting at their township hall. The meeting hall was filled to overflowing as one person after another spoke up and against the prospects of having a sex shop come to their rural township. This was followed a week later with the meeting of the Clinton County Planning Commission: " … Every seat was filled. It was standing room only. Any thought that activism was dead was dispelled [that] evening. 30-40 testimonials were delivered – so well articulated, supportive of decency, community values, family, the standard of God. We even heard testimony from the Mayor of Grand Ledge which is located in an adjoining county, not in Clinton County. He testified because the location for the would-be sex shop is a main thoroughfare for people from his community. Others testifying were (in short): The President of the Grand Ledge Board of Education. She stated that the school board voted earlier in the week urging the Clinton County Board of Commissioners to deny the request for a special use permit. A teacher in the Grand Ledge Public Schools, etc., etc." https://americandecency.org/main.php?f=updates_new/2008/May/05.09.08 In early July, I received a phone call from the township supervisor Mr. David Morris telling me – in a broken voice – that the application by the applicant for a special use permit had been withdrawn. Prior to this happening, I had never known David Morris. I'm thankful that he took my call several months ago now. I discovered that he was an elderly man (81) on the last months of his long term in office as township supervisor. I saw pictures of him on the wall at his home. What a handsome gent he was in his earlier years. The wear and tear of many battles was evident. It was obvious that he was feeling the burden of finishing well and doing his best to safeguard his jurisdiction from the degradation of the filth, desensitization, degradation and destruction of pornography and its related deadening products and "services". About the best that I could offer at that juncture, as he was waging the war, was to ask if I could pray for him (which he sincerely appreciated) and to let him know that legal help was available from one of the experts in the field, Scott Berthold. (Below) I again offer this expert's name and contact information to you and urge you to place this contact information in your favorites list or card file or whatever you use. You may yourself need his help on this difficult front. I rejoice with David Morris and with the people residing in Eagle Township for his good life and the efforts of those surrounding him in Clinton County that expressed concern and stood up in a timely way. See picture of David Morris and me. Not very flattering of either of us but a memorable shot for me being photographed with an honorable man. See: https://americandecency.org/main.php?f=updates_new/2008/July/07.29a.08 =============== Again, the expert in the country in this regard is Scott D. Bergthold, P.L.L.C. 8052 Standifer Gap Rd. Suite C Chattanooga, TN 37421 423.899.3025 Office 423.899.3029 Fax 423.802.9459 Cell email: sbergthold@adultbusinesslaw.com http://www.adultbusinesslaw.com/ On the left- Bill Johnson pictured with Mr. David Morris long term Eagle Township Supervisor (west of Lansing, MI in rural Clinton County) https://americandecency.org/main.php?f=updates_new/2008/July/07.29.08 ======================================= Match Challenge of $15,000. We look for evidences of God's continued pleasure with us and with our ministry calling and stance. The latest evidence is a very timely match grant presented by an anonymous donor whose challenge is to call out to those who care about this ministry but haven't given for a significant period of time. Here are the details of this gracious Match Challenge. " … a "Summer Matching Gift Pledge". I will match all new (from anyone who has not given to ADA in 2007 or 2008) gifts received from June 1- August 31 up to a total of $15,000. Let me know if you have any questions. Thanks for all you do to uphold purity and holiness." Thank you for helping us stay in the battle for Truth and decency. https://americandecency.org/folder.php?f=donate Bill Johnson, president *********************************************************** American Decency Association Bill Johnson, President P.O. Box 202 Fremont, MI 49412 ph: 231-924-4050 www.americandecency.org

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