A request for your comment regarding “Fireproof”

By: Steve Huston

I would like to hear from those of you who have gone to see the movie “Fireproof.” Please provide me with your comments regarding it. [I have already commented upon this in earlier email alerts as you recall.]

Why? I want to promote this movie of ministry far and wide as possible. Everyone should see this movie! That includes singles and young and old.

*** We took our youngest son and his girl friend with us on Friday. This was our second time going. Most of you know I very seldom go to movies. It has to be free of the trash of this age. There isn’t one iota of indecency in this film.

Your words may help motivate someone else to go and receive encouragement and help. Yes – help! This movie is stirring, motivating and speaks into the heart, into the spiritual, emotional needs of all.

Let me hear from you today! Please email your thoughts regarding this movie if you have attended.

In addition, a ministry follow up of the movie entitled: “Fireproof my Marriage.” It’s a simulcast scheduled for all day Saturday (November 1) in locations throughout the U.S. – a satellite simulcast featuring Gary Smalley and Les Parrott and others.

Are you burdened over special friends and loved ones yourself? Could you use some extra ministry to your heart(s) at this time? If the Lord is speaking to your heart about this need, I urge you to check out the website below for location details and more.

For further information, please call us at: 231-924-4050.

In Christ alone,


I announce to you a year end match challenge that was extended by a friend of this ministry.

It’s an extension of an earlier one that we were not able to meet a little bit earlier in the year. Quoting: “I will match all new (from anyone who has not given to ADA in 2007 or 2008) gifts received from June 1- August 31 up to a total of $15,000. Let me know if you have any questions. Thanks for all you do to uphold purity and holiness.”

This match challenge had already run for three months. Here are the results through that time frame. There were 88 gifts totaling $5,911.00.

So our anonymous donor graciously sent us a check for $6,000 and proceeded to yet challenge us again. Stating: “We will give you $6,000 now and we would like to extend the offer for an additional $10,000 for new money collected by 12/31/08. Keep up the fight…”

Those of you that follow closely know that these year end match challenges – as they are met – have been used significantly to strengthen us to start the new year on solid financial ground!!

If you benefit from our email alerts, I encourage you to show your tangible support. Your gift of any amount will be doubled. We will continue by the grace of God and the help of His people.


To donate online:
American Decency Association
Bill Johnson, President
P.O. Box 202
Fremont, MI 49412
ph: 231-924-4050


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American Decency Association
P.O.Box 202
Fremont, MI 49412
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