A movie that I can recommend —

By: Steve Huston

I did a rare thing on Saturday evening. I went to a movie. You may not hear me recommending another movie any time soon. However, this movie is of value to the Christian desiring to "understand the times in order to know what to do." The movie is called "Expelled" starring Ben Stein.It was just released Friday. I went, in part, for the following reason: The movie exposes the persecution against well-credentialed scientists, professors, educators, and students who dare to question Darwin’s flawed theory of evolution and argue that life could not exist without "intelligent design." This film is making the evolution proponents very upset because it tells the truth! Some evolutionists have actually tried to sabotage the success of the film and prevent people from watching it! Quoting from Dr. Ted Baehr's Movieguide as he reviewed the movie "Expelled." "… Ben Stein starts out talking about the fact that the United States was built on freedom. He quotes the Founding Fathers and juxtaposes the freedom of the United States with the Communist Berlin Wall in Germany. Carefully, Stein makes the case that the academic community has become as oppressive of freedom as that same community oppressed freedom in Nazi Germany and the Soviet Union. He interviews Prof. Richard Sternberg who lost his long-term job at the Smithsonian Institute because he dared to publish a peer-reviewed article with two or three references to Intelligent Design. … One by one, Stein introduces us to prestigious scientists at major universities who were expelled because they dared to mention Intelligent Design and open up the academic discussion to non-Darwinian viewpoints. He moves from there to questioning the institutions and the administrators who expelled these academics. The administrators squirm under his interrogation but eventually admit that the academic community has no room for freedom and intellectual inquiry. … Ben by the way is not arguing for a particular point of view. He is arguing for academic freedom and rational scientific inquiry." [Taken from Movieguide, Vol XXIII, March B/April A, 2008] My thoughts in regard to the movie. The movie is a documentary. It is not fluff. I would recommend it to anyone who is concerned about the continued degradation of America's Christian base. It is a reality check regarding the academic underpinnings of our culture that has been and is contributing to the ongoing establishment of the predominating worldview in America – secular humanism, godlessness. The quashing of those holding to Intelligent Design brought recollections of my years as a teacher in the public schools. Being politically correct included being a member of the National Education Association (I was not a member of the NEA), keeping quiet about morality and spiritual concerns. You could get in trouble for speaking up for decency – for one thing. I actually had two students removed from my classroom for specifically giving warning regarding two inappropriate television shows popular with some at that time – Dallas and Benny Hill. Administration actually allowed the removing of a couple of students from my classroom despite the fact that I was a regarded teacher. Already in 1983 in a small town community, the clear message was being conveyed to me as a teacher, it is best to keep your mouth shut regarding matters of right and wrong. If that was true then, I can't imagine what it must be like today – not only at the Smithsonian Institute and at the university level, but also at local public schools. Paranoid? Negative? Maybe you think so. I don't. I'll be encouraging my college-aged son to go and see "Expelled" and other young Christian men and women. They need to understand the times in order to know what to do. What do they do? What do we do? I'd like to know your thoughts. Your experience(s). I'll share my thoughts in the days ahead. ===================================== Following Truth or the Lie? Lastly, I recommend you look into and sign up for Focus on the Family's "Truth Project" at http://www.thetruthproject.org/ http://www.thetruthproject.org/whatistruthproject/ If you are in the greater Grand Rapids, Michigan area and would like to join with us in promoting this important ministry effort to lift up the Word and help Christians develop a stronger Biblical worldview, contact us here at 888-733-2326. ASAP! ADA will be serving as a host location for Focus on the Family's "Truth Project" satellite broadcast on Saturday, September 27. ADA has a limited number of tickets available for this all day event. [9:30 – 4:30 pm] See: http://www.thetruthproject.org/ For more information, or to order your ticket, call us at: 888-733-2326. American Decency Association Bill Johnson, President P.O. Box 202 Fremont, MI 49412 ph: 231-924-4050 www.americandecency.org

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