As Christmas now is just days away, several brief thoughts.(1) Just a few short years ago my in-laws were yet alive. As the family gathered together in the old farm homestead (which is where my wife Jan and I now live), there was one thing abundantly clear. Christ was their Savior and Lord. They had lived for Christ and He was their centerpiece and they raised their children in the Word of God. As their several children gathered with their children, the yearly Christmas gathering was for family, but it's true purpose was to celebrate the coming of Christ not only as a baby but as God incarnate! (2) Now that family still gathers at the old homestead (our home) I feel the increasing responsibility to hold high the Christ of Christmas that we will not diminish, under our watch, the true meaning of Christmas. The pressures are so great as the attack upon Christ has in recent years evolved into making Christmas nothing more than a "Winter Holiday." A couple of years ago when we began to see various corporations replace Christmas shopping with holiday shopping and Christmas season with holiday season, etc., etc.. I thought that it was just a few insensitive or particularly secularistic companies following their natural tendencies – to ignore Christ. Imagine a society totally bereft of the name of Christ. Family gatherings leaving out the singing of Christian carols, the reading of Luke 2 – the Christmas story, dismantling the true reason for the season the coming of Christ to die upon the cross to take away the sins of the world – even my sin and yours. (3) We are in a battle of monumental proportions and it is spiritual in nature. We can't force nor would we force Christ upon anyone. However, the tendency can so easily be that when we gather with family members who may have hearts of unbelief that we just leave out the naming of Christ. We feel oppression as we talk about Christ around the table or as we are gathered in a living room to read the Christmas story. (4) As I prayerfully and tenderly approach these Christmas family gatherings I desire to be pleasing and honoring to God as I live for Him, talk of Him, proclaim him before my loved ones. Father God help us each one during these days of Christmas celebration. Help us to honor You boldly and kindly. ======================= An ad in the Grand Rapids Press by the Grand Rapids Public Museum is entitled Winter Holidays – it leaves out Christmas as it names other nationalities and faiths (Diwali, Hanukkah, St. Lucia's Day, Kwanzaa, Chinese New Year but no Christmas). It states: "West Michigan is home to people of many nationities and faiths, who celebrate winter holidays in a variety of ways. Many of these holidays are celebrated in the darkest months of the year and therefore embrace a 'theme of light.'…" See: Caringly express your concern to the Grand Rapids Public Museum 272 Pearl St. NW Grand Rapids, MI 49504 616.456.3977 Email: Mary Esther Lee, Director and/or =========== One last thing. Christmas certainly is attacked by the godless, erotism of Victoria's Secret displays at most local malls. We urge you to let your voice be known at your local mall when you come across their disgusting displays. Don't shop Victoria's Secret and if you get a gift from Victoria's Secret, return it to VS. Take the money and spend it where Christ and His principles of holiness are regarded. See yesterday's email alert And an example of Victoria's Secret Christmas display in one mall – perhaps yours as well. "Warning! The photo is graphic and offensive.)" American Decency Association Bill Johnson, President P.O. Box 202 Fremont, MI 49412 ph: 231-924-4050
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