Will H&R Block be advertising on bottom feeder programs again this tax season?

By: American Decency Staff

Yesterday’s email was entitled “‘Wife Swap’ – a mocking, derisive portrayal of Christianity” https://americandecency.org/email_updates/email01.10.07.htm But, it could also be entitled “It’s tax season – H&R Block is back at it again”

Will H&R Block be advertising on bottom feeder programs again this tax season? Last year you may recall H&R Block was one of only three companies so insensitive to advertise on the horrible “The Book of Daniel.”  They scurried around when they found that the program’s ratings were horrid and that corporate America spurned the blasphemous show. H&R Block called me and sent a letter explaining themselves apparently hoping to appease people like you and me. We had hoped better of them. H&R Block’s Chief Marketing Officer wrote “…H&R Block will continue to develop advertising that is worthy of the 50 years of trust our millions of clients have placed in us. Our advertising will continue to illustrate that our products and services are offered equally to every consumer.  And we will continue to advertise in a responsible manner. Your opinion matters to us, and I thank you for taking the time to share it. Respectfully, Brad Iversen Chief Marketing Officer, H&R Block I wrote to Mr. Iversen yesterday urging him to advertise in a responsible manner. We’re asking scores of you to write to him as well. We’ll keep you aware of H&R Block’s advertising trends as we move into tax season. Contact: H&R Block Mr. Brad Iversen, Chief Marketing Officer Email: BIversen@hrblock.com H&R Block, Inc. – (It’s tax season and H&R Block has shown little discretion in the past when tax season comes along) Mark A. Ernst – Chairman, President, and CEO 4400 Main Street Kansas City, MO 64111 Phone: 816-753-6900 Toll-free: 800-829-7733 Fax: 816-753-5346 Email: Mr. Brad Iversen, Chief Marketing Officer BIversen@hrblock.com http://www.hrblock.com/customer_support/submit_a_question.jsp Sample letter: Dear Mr. Iversen: Last year you apologized for advertising on “The Book of Daniel” and stated that you would continue to advertise in a responsible way. Well, a new tax season has begun and one of the first shows that you advertised on was “Wife Swap” which featured sexually explicit themes, including scenes of pole-dancing parties and strip clubs. In addition, Christian values were mocked and the Bible, which many of your customers hold sacred, was mocked and was thrown into a garbage can. We expect better of H&R Block. If you continue empowering this kind of programming, we couldn’t even begin to consider having our taxes done by an H&R Block agency. Is this what we can expect from you? Please let me hear from you. Sincerely, =================== American Decency Association Bill Johnson, President P.O. Box 202 Fremont, MI 49412 PH: 231-924-4050 www.americandecency.org

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