… when p**n is allowed/endorsed in our military

By: American Decency Staff

A rational view of what happens when pornography is allowed/endorsed in our military

Dear Bill, I read the letter from the army wife featured in your last newsletter https://americandecency.org/main.php?f=updates_new/2007/September/9.26.07 and I am deeply worried. If a man wasn’t addicted to pornography when he went in to military service, it seems highly likely that he will be when he leaves. If the the trauma of violence and anxiety can leave its emotional scars, add the perversion associated with pornography, prostitution, learning to gang rape, and the low experiences associated with nightclubbing and worse in foreign countries and the possible introduction to illicit drug use, and our military will return men to civilian life as monsters. I used to think of the military as an honorable place to be. I saw our soldiers as heroes. Discipline, courage, loyalty to one’s country and unit, fighting for home and country, serving the nation by being a presence all over the world to keep peace. It’s no wonder General Pace was fired when he spoke out against homosexuality. He was a man’s man, decent, courageous, smart and a soldier of honor and biblically based moral conviction–a man of the “old school,” the better school. It is said he was admired and loved by his men. Which men? the monsters the military is creating of our brothers, sons, husbands and fathers? Apparently, what is going on in the military influenced the decision to force him to step down. The sad thing is that it tells us that the rot is all the way up to the top. What’s next in the kinds of atrocities that soldiers will commit against people they over run in a fight? Will they now turn to raping any innocent children they can lay their hands on because some carried a grenade around their waists or for that matter just because they were on foreign soil? Worse, will people at home be so hardened that they’ll rationalize it? Not yet, but if we don’t keep up the good fight against the wickedness some are bent on infecting America with, it could get to that point. America, as you know, is dying. I try to remember that while there is yet time, the bright hope is that we have the soul saving Gospel, we have influence, within whatever scope is ours, and deterioration happens slowly enough that we can still persuade people to Christ in a dying society. The galloping slide into moral disintegration and disobedience to God in the last 15 years tells me Christ is returning soon–sooner with each change in the wrong direction. I don’t like to think that I have to live in the days when the water around the frog is getting hotter and hotter, but we know our duty. Whatever happens, we are charged with keeping the Gospel, preaching it, living with mind and heart baptized by God’s Word and looking for our Savior. When I look at people I meet every day, I don’t see people whose hearts could be so hard as to yawn at the rape of children, but could they be in the process of becoming those kind of people? I could be looking at someone who is involved in hellish things and never suspect. Ohio – name withheld by ADA Contacts: If within the military http://odin.aafes.com/feedback/default.asp If outside the military email: Commander@aafes.com We urge you to send us copies of your correspondences. Thanks. Please express your concern at: http://odin.aafes.com/feedback/default.asp ========= American Decency Association Bill Johnson, President P.O. Box 202 Fremont, MI 49412 PH: 231-924-4050 www.americandecency.org

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