… when many don’t

By: American Decency Staff

“… If adults don’t come to the defense of children and grandchildren, who will?” … Take a moment and send an email (see below). It hurts to care when many don’t. The Limited (Victoria’s Secret) checks our webpage every so often. Why would they do that? What do you think? We are still a pain in the neck – at the very least. Check out this image of their window display at Victoria’s Secret. https://americandecency.org/main.php?f=updates_new/2007/july/7.16c.07 How old does this model appear to you? 15, 16, 17 years old? Perhaps the nearly nude woman is 20- just meant to seem younger. As righteous indignation dries up, the sex entrepreneurs of this age increasingly target our youth. If adults don’t come to the defense of children and grandchildren, who will? Not that many years ago it was a rarity to hear of young people being targeted as objects of sex. Is it acceptable to feature a topless teenager in a window display which fosters the acceptance of youth as objects of sex? I have only displayed the young person’s face because such images are sexually alluring and damaging. The downside of showing the full-display is that it is erotic. The positive side is that it can create indignation in those still capable of becoming indignant. There is a big part of me that wanted to show you the full-display and let you see for yourself. If I provided you with the full display you would see this young lady wearing skimpy underwear with arms positioned to cover her bare breasts – appearing to be a teenager. You would see more directly my concern. Indignation would be the outcome resulting, hopefully, in standing up and being counted. A couple of years ago Mr. Bucksbaum responded to a number of you because you wrote him at his email. I urge you to let him know that there are still many adults standing in the gap for kids. Will you take a minute and let Mr. Bucksbaum hear from you – an individual that hasn’t given in to complacency. Contact: Mr. John Bucksbaum, CEO of General Growth Properties. [Second largest renter of mall space in America] John.Bucksbaum@generalgrowth.com 312-960-5000 Victoria’s Secret 1-614-415-7072 You likely will get a voice mail. Leave a message and express your concern. Please make this call. Other addresses: Victoria’s Secret Stores Inc. – Victoria’s Secret Grace A. Nichols – President and CEO 4 Limited Parkway Reynoldsburg, OH 43068 Phone: 614-577-7000 Fax: 614-577-7047 http://www2.victoriassecret.com/html/custsrvc/contact/comments/ The Limited Leslie Wexner, CEO Three Limited Parkway Columbus, OH 43230 800-756-4449 General Growth Properties Mr. John Bucksbaum, CEO 110 N. Wacker Dr. Chicago, IL 60606 Telephone: 312-960-5000 http://www.generalgrowth.com/contact.asp If you don’t boycott Victoria’s Secret why not? I’d like to hear from you too. ————————————— Let me suggest a few reasons why we should boycott Victoria’s Secret. [The list below is not in any particular order nor all encompassing. Provide me with further concerns.] (1) Victoria’s Secret is blatant and boldly erotic in the marketing of their products. (2) They exhibit little sense of concern regarding moral sensibilities. (3) Their response to expressions of concern are and have been disingenuous for a long time. (4) Their advertisements on television are frequently foisted upon an audience unprepared and, in many cases, undesirous of their “in your face” sexual imagery. (5) Victoria’s Secret is a very frequent advertiser on “Desperate Housewives.” (6) Their annual “Victoria’s Secret Fashion Show” is about models parading before an ogling audience dressed to titillate and spur sales through pornography (guised as a fashion show). (7) Victoria’s Secret’s arrogance that they think they can get away with using pornography at the local mall, on national television, etc. And, to our shame, they have gotten away with it. (8) Victoria’s Secret lowers the “community standard” of the local mall. As it forces its willful way at the local mall, it diminishes the entire mall. Expressions of concern fall on deaf ears. There is no remedy without rallying other shoppers in their community as the local VS, corporate VS and the mall itself say there is nothing they can do. [We simply do not and will not accept this canned answer. They expect us to get frustrated and go away. Important: Please forward to me copies of your letters and keep me informed of your communications via call or email. Thanks! bjohnson@americandecency.org American Decency Association Bill Johnson, President P.O. Box 202 Fremont, MI 49412 PH: 231-924-4050 www.americandecency.org Donations accepted: https://secure4.afo.net/ada/main.php?f=donate/display9 American Decency Association Bill Johnson, President P.O. Box 202 Fremont, MI 49412 PH: 231-924-4050

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