“… We are in a cultural battle, a spiritual battle…”

By: American Decency Staff

“… We’re in that battle. Are we going to win it? I’m going to tell you the truth – no use telling people what they want to hear. …” [Dr. Donald E. Wildmon, Chairman and Founder of American Family Association, August 4, 2007] The founder and chairman of AFA, Donald E. Wildmon gave the dedication message for the ADA to a full house on August 4, 2007. Don commented, “The building is an extremely attractive building. I’m sure it will be put to good use for years to come. … We are in a cultural battle, a spiritual war. We have been for several decades now. It’s getting worse. It’s not getting better. … We’re in a spiritual battle for the future of the western civilization. Europe and the U.S. came out of the mind of Christ. Our view of democracy came from there. And our view of capitalism came from there. It was this view, this Christian world view that gave us the ability to be the most successful country in the world. Somewhere along the way several years ago, somebody decided that our system, our way of doing things, wasn’t so good, so they starting changing it. The first thing they tried to do was remove the basic Christian faith from the every day world. They’ve got to get Christianity out of the market place – out of society. Well, it started with prayer in school. For two hundred years there wasn’t anything illegal about prayer in schools. But all of a sudden the Supreme Court says you can’t pray in schools. Then we came along with abortion. And we kill babies. I saw a poll not long ago about a group of college students – this is about the conflicted society that we live in today. A group of college students were asked the question, ‘Is abortion murder?’ And the majority of them said ‘Yes. Yes. It is murder.’ They were asked a second question. ‘Should abortion be legal?’ And the majority of them said ‘Yes.’ They didn’t see any conflict. Yes abortion is murder, but it should be legal!. We have done, collectively speaking, a poor job of raising our children to see life through world view – through the eyes of a Christian, and it has affected us terribly. And, the battle isn’t anywhere near over. It could be in its early stages. And there is a distinct possibility that a hundred years from now or fifty years from now Christianity will have no influence in government and government policies at all. Period. And if you profess to be a Christian you will be isolated and rejected by society. You won’t be taken out and fed to the lions. They will just pass laws that keep you in your place. And society will begin to look down upon you as being a little bit, what Stalin used to say, a little bit mental – unstable. We’re in that battle. Are we going to win it? I’m going to tell you the truth – no use telling people what they want to hear. You expect to hear people say ‘Yes we’re going to win it.’ Now I don’t know if we’re going to win it or not. I really don’t. The average person has so much going on – this is important. You’ve got mommas and daddys raising children and they got jobs – both of them gotta have jobs – to pay their bills – and they got sports, ballgames. We got soccer games on Sunday mornings. I mean the sabbath, Sunday morning is a day of recreation now. We’ve got all these things come in. The Christian people will be irrelevant. Let’s go back twenty years. Let’s go back to television. Twenty years ago there was no program on the networks that featured anybody identified as a Christian living in a modern world in a positive manner. Did you hear what I’m saying? On television there was not a person who was a dedicated Christian who was shown in a positive manner – you know – not being crazy. They didn’t exist. Basically, you go back to the fifties and you’ll find something different. Go back to the fifties and you’ll find the church, you’ll find it in movies, you’ll find grace being said before the meal. You’ll find religion, Christianity being an important part of society. But then when you get to the sixties they begin to censure it out. You know the quickest way to make you irrelevant? I treat you as if you don’t exist. … If I didn’t know anything about the church and made my decision by what I saw on television, I’d say the church is irrelevant at best and the people in it are just a little dingy in the head . … I don’t want any part of it would be my philosophy. There is an intentional effort to reshape our society. I never thought twenty-five years ago that I’d live to see the day when churches- Christian churches – would have a major push to ordain or accept as ministers practicing homosexuals – I never thought I’d see that. The Bible’s quite clear on that. … Pornography. … Today turn on your computer there are 10 million porn sites. Did you know that in the last fifteen years there was a president by the name of Bill Clinton. There’s a current president by the name of George W. Bush. The older Bush there before Clinton had a little bit of prosecution against pornography going. But from Bill Clinton through the current President George W. Bush there has not been one single, major supplier of obscenity indicted or taken to trial or charged in any way – not one – not one. It’s gotten where every morning when I pick up the paper I read about some child that has been abused or somebody who has been caught with child pornography. Have you ever read that in the paper? Our government will do nothing. They haven’t done a thing. …” For a copy of Dr. Wildmon’s dedication message at ADA headquarters contact Kim at Kimberly@americandecency.org or call 1-888-733-2326. [$10.00 includes cost of handling and postage) American Decency Association Bill Johnson, President P.O. Box 202 Fremont, MI 49412 PH: 231-924-4050 www.americandecency.org

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