“Victoria’s Secret, Santa do not mix …”

By: American Decency Staff

"…Comments from around the country regarding Victoria's Secret"..'I know what they sell; I understand what the deal is,' Hinds said. 'But the mall is attracting children to go visit Santa, and this looks like hookers on parade.'…â€Â www.Gazette.net "… ‘I’m not worried that [Victoria’s Secret] is near Santa, but the Santa outfits are a bit much,' said Robin Schelker, of Harrisburg, Pa., about the pink Santa hats and bra and skirt combinations the models were wearing. 'It sends a mixed message to the kids about Santa' …." www.Gazette.net "… But the complaints have been popping up nationwide, according to Johnson and a search of news reports. Suburban towns in Virginia, Indiana, Michigan and Pennsylvania, as well as Madison, Wisc., and the Los Angeles area have seen complaints about Santa Claus in shopping malls that carry Victoria’s Secret lingerie. …" The Gazette.Net interviewed me Monday. The article is entitled: "Victoria's Secret, Santa do not mix for some" It is discussing concerns regarding Victoria's Secret's inappropriate displays at Montgomery Mall in Westfied, MD http://gazette.net/stories/121207/bethnew210954_32360.shtml ================== Last evening at 9 pm — Interview with WPHT – Philadelphia (The Big Talker) The Dom Girodno Show – a CBS affiliate Mr. Girodno stated that he felt that Victoria's Secret was mainstream but noted that in his research for his interview with me that there were a number of newspaper articles reporting on concerns with the manner in which Victoria's Secret was displaying their lingerie. He described one mall display where mannequins were on their hands and knees crawling toward each other. Another where a mannequin is dressed in a thong with buttocks against the outside window. =========== We got word that Hannity was going to be discussing Victoria's Secret yesterday. Did any of you catch that discussion? Please let us hear from you. ============== Here was a first hand report from Connie out of San Angelo, TX. A VS report from Sunset Mall in San Angelo, TX Just wanted you to know I took a look at the VS display in the Sunset Mall in San Angelo, TX and it was a display that anyone could look at. There were no vulgar displays. Everything was fine. I am a member of the church of Christ and this window display did not displease me at all. I'm sorry people in other parts of the country have to put up with VS trash in their malls. Hopefully they are banding together and getting it out of their malls. ===================== And this out of Carmel, IN " … Anyway, the picket went well. God bless all who came out and froze their feet off. God is good and He provided the perfect amount of people who came and went as their schedules allowed. We had young and old and male and female. We even had a woman and her 16 year old daughter who came from Lafayette because she was so excited someone was trying to do something about the VS window. …" Summary: As people speak up and take a stand, we are beating the drum of concern together and our message goes forth. We are not alone in this concern. As you come across articles or make news yourself, please let us know. We can and are making a difference. American Decency Association Bill Johnson, President P.O. Box 202 Fremont, MI 49412 ph: 231-924-4050 www.americandecency.org

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