Will you be a “fool for Christ” as the woman below is doing? You are needed to loving stand for decency in your community. If we hope someone else will speak out, our silence will allow the flood of filth to continue to permeate our culture. Scripture shows us time and again that God will often use just a few to make an impact. Will you be one?
Read the following account and see below for ways you can stand with us. ******************* “I’ve had a burden on my heart to do something about all the indecent magazines at Safeway, etc. My two teenage sons now stay home while I grocery shop and we recently discovered Trader Joe’s, which is a great grocery store that carries ZERO magazines and we are doing most of our shopping there now. However, I’d like to help speak to the managers of stores of Safeway and Whole Foods. The most recent edition of Vanity Fair has a picture of a naked woman (shows only her back) sitting on the lap of a man in a suit. Amazing! Right there at the checkout stands! I would love to make a donation of $25 for a membership card and DVD with tips on how to make a difference. Thanks so much for your work! I thought, for a while, that I was the only one who cared.” V.P. Campbell, California ********************** The present cover of Vanity Fair, the magazine referenced above, is truly as awful as described – a completely nude woman revealing rear nudity displayed at checkout counters across the country right at the eye level of children! May we not stand by when confronted with such unwelcome images and verbiage. Be a voice for the protection of innocence as millions of children (and adults) are being exposed to images that they should not see. Request your ADA membership card and the DVD that will provide helpful hints and suggestions as to how to speak up for decency at your local checkout. To indicate your interest and stand with us in this nationwide campaign call us at 1-888-733-2326 or email us at kimberly@americandecency.org and please provide your name, email address and phone number – any other information that you think might be helpful would be appreciated as well. $25.00 will help cover the costs of the identification card, the DVD and postage. We also encourage you to contact Vanity Fair, voicing your disgust with their explicit magazine cover and its placement in family shopping centers. Conde Nast Publications, Inc Charles H. Townsend – President and CEO 4 Times Square, 17th Fl. New York, NY 10036 Phone: 212-286-2860 Fax: 212-286-5960 email: magpr@condenast.com or email: jmiller@condenet.com (Jennifer Miller) Conde Nast produces dozens of magazines, including House & Garden, Golf Digest, etc.. For a complete listing of their magazines: http://www.condenast.com/ *********************************** Sample letter to Conde Nast/Vanity Fair: Dear … Like most parents, I do not want my family assaulted with eroticism and explicit images. Yet right now countless children come face to face with the offensive cover of Vanity Fair in shopping centers across the country. This magazine cover is below any normal standards of decency and should not be part of the family marketplace! You have crossed the line. I strongly urge you to consider the welfare of our families and refrain from producing such graphic and explicit magazine covers. If this is how you plan to sell your product at the expense of my family, no Conde Nast magazine will be welcome in my home. Sincerely, *************************** ========================================================= Let’s encourage one another and strengthen one another to be more like our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. American Decency Association Bill Johnson, President P.O. Box 202 Fremont, MI 49412 ph: 231-924-4050 www.americandecency.org
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