“… You wrote, ‘I believe it is true that God has turned America over to reprobation (Romans 1). That doesn’t mean that it is irreversible. God is still calling out to America to turn to Him as He did to Israel. As MacArthur states ‘God calls His people to hear the Word and obey it. To hear the Word and obey it.’…” [A Christian who reads and responds to our email alerts] A brief comment: Most hold the view above, but ultimately we clearly must do as Christ calls us to do: “hear the Word and obey it.” ========================== Bill, The whole Book of Jonah proves we can alter the inevitable, IF AND WHEN we repent! C.O. Coloma, MI ============= … I believe that your response is correct because it is Biblical. I certainly do not believe that Dr. MacArthur would in any way support the idea of just abandoning preaching and teaching the Word or giving up ministries aimed at retarding corruption or warning others of its devastating effects. Sadly, many in the institutional church have long ago abandoned preaching the whole counsel of God. They say nothing about sin…or sins. The “methods” of evangelization in the past 100-150 years have led to many “decisions” or “professions” and few changed lives. Those who walk an aisle and “make a decision” are presumed saved. I believe many have a false sense of assurance. Then there’s the whole issue of this “seeker-sensitive” movement which gives them what they want and not what they need. You wrote, “I believe it is true that God has turned America over to reprobation (Romans 1). That doesn’t mean that it is irreversible. God is still calling out to America to turn to Him as He did to Israel. As MacArthur states “God calls His people to hear the Word and obey it. To hear the Word and obey it.” That’s right. God also “abandoned” the Jews (so that we Gentiles might be grafted in) but He has not abandoned them forever. We don’t do things because of the results we see. We do them because God has saved us and because He has called us to this holy calling. WE deliver the message, live the message, and leave the results to Him (who alone can effect the message). We follow Him and obey Him because we love Him (because He first loved us). We are well aware that in the latter days perilous days will come, that men will be deceivers and deceived, that evil men and seducers WILL wax worse and worse. This does not mean that we are to give up the battle. And we need to remember that the battle is the Lord’s! All of these things now taking place point to the imminent return of our Savior. Keep looking up! In him, D.K. ====================== I agree that MacArthur is fatalistic and I don’t believe he is biblical in his fatalism. If it were up to him, America would not exist. He believes the Revolution was a sin. He is against activism and I do think he does great harm to the culture by his wrong notion of Christian involvement. M.S. ================================ ” … There are so few who want to DO anything, that you stand out. You are a constant breath of fresh air to me and give me encouragement to continue on in the culture wars. I became very concerned that Mr MacArthur’s message might influence you to abandon ship, and there was a moment of angst that came in that prompt ed the email. I think I see where you’re coming from now. Don’t ever forget that you have a mighty influence on many in this nation. I want to encourage you in the strongest way to press on. The victory is ours, but we must appropriate it. It’s just like the Israelites looking down on the promised land. God said He’d given it to them, but they had to go down and physically take it. So it is with us in the world today! God bless you, …………… P.K. ================= I watched the message from John MacArthur on Sunday at church and he was right on. His message ended with hope for America to repent and for us to continue to pray. M.A. ================ I have recently been reading thru those sections of the Old Testament where Israel and Judah have been given over to captivity because of their sins. Didn’t do any good for the prophets to pray for (in fact they were given orders not to for it would do no good)!! God had put up with and put up with and warned and warned and finally had decided and that was that!!! The punishment had been decreed, was being applied; the term of captivity had been set and THAT WAS THAT!!! Promises -were- made to the faithful few. So it is with America today. I agree with John MacArthur and all of the weeping and wailing and nay-saying will do no good!! Should have been done long ago and it WASN’T!! Too Late!! Time’s up!! Game (just about) over!! But wait, its gonna get worse……………… … But who turned out to be right?? Those who said God is alive and well in Jerusalem OR Jeremiah who said judgment is coming guys ???????? I wouldn’t say give up; there are still folks to be won but I repeat, I agree with John MacArthur: Too Late!! Time’s up!! Game (just about) over!! F.W Glen Burnie Md ======================== The passing of one of America’s true Christian warrior who faithfully and aggressively called believers ” …. to hear the Word and obey it.” Dr. D. James Kennedy (1930-September 5, 2007) FORT LAUDERDALE, FLA., (September 5, 2007) – Founder and Senior Pastor of Coral Ridge Presbyterian Church Succumbs to Complications from Cardiac Arrest Dr. D. James Kennedy, founder and senior pastor for 48 years of Coral Ridge Presbyterian Church (CRPC) in Fort Lauderdale, Fla., passed away peacefully in his sleep at approximately 2:15 a.m. at his home with his wife and daughter by his bedside, following complications from a cardiac event last December. He was 76. Dates and times for a public viewing and funeral and private interment will be released when available. =================== Another reminder about the free books on the pursuit of holiness. With new Sunday School seasons beginning, this book is a vital study for those desiring to hear His Word and obey it. Here’s what one person recently wrote: ” Thanks for the Pursuit of Holiness books. We recently finished the study in Bible School. It was great and challenging!” Here are the details once again: The author Jerry Bridges states it this way: “The Christian plumber and the Christian banker and the unsung homemaker and the powerful head of state are all alike called to be holy.” “… But God has not called us to be like those around us. He has called us to be like Himself. Holiness is nothing less than conformity to the character of God.” This book is a tremendous study. The chapters are concise and meaty but readable. The little book has study questions for each chapter. A tremendous way to study over a period of time God’s great plan for our lives – I urge the reading and study of this book for yourself. And beyond that, I encourage you to bring together a group of people – young and/or old – and study and strive together to engage in this life long pursuit – “to be holy for He is holy.” If you would like a free copy, email bjohnson@americandecency.org If you would like multiple copies, we are making them available for $1.00 a piece plus shipping. Call 1-888-733-2326. ========= American Decency Association Bill Johnson, President P.O. Box 202 Fremont, MI 49412 PH: 231-924-4050 www.americandecency.org
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