To care? or whatever?

By: American Decency Staff

Yesterday we asked the question: “What does it take for you and me to decide not to do business with a particular company?” We ask again, when is it time to sacrifice convenience, money, possessions? We have received numbers of responses regarding our urging to boycott Wal-Mart (over their decision to sell the abortifacient “morning after” drug) and Disney (over their decision to host homosexual weddings at their family-oriented theme parks.) Evil is so prevalent in our culture that many Christians throw up their hands in defeat, saying ‘we can’t boycott every corporation that is doing wrong’. While this is true, when we are made aware that a company we patronize is now in the business of killing babies, is this not important enough to say I will not do business with one that is culpable in the taking of life? I may unknowingly be supporting a company that supports abortion, but if I am made aware of that support I pray my conscience will not be so deadened that I would continue to do business with that company. Sadly, many in the Christian community do not want to have their conscience convicted. It is easier and much more enjoyable to continue on our merry way while our dollars support the physical, spiritual, and moral destruction of God’s children. As one letter we received stated: ********** “I could take you to more than one church where there are people who don’t care, won’t listen and go thru life with eyes wide shut about these kinds of matters. They run to Disney world – you can’t tell ’em; run to Busch Gardens – you can’t tell ’em; shop at Wal-Mart – you can’t tell ’em; eat at Hardee’s and Burger King – you can’t tell ’em. order from Pizza Hut, go to Taco Bell – you can’t tell ’em. continue to buy Ford products – don’t want to hear about the gay/lesbian they support. And they look at you like you’ve got two heads while you’re talking. I’ve been removed from the church address book (and most all member address books) because I had the temerity to forward ADA, AFA, and other conservative notices and petitions from Concerned Christian organizations. God help us, THEY DON’T WANT TO HEAR IT!!!! - FW Maryland ************ How the Lord must grieve when we put our creature comforts ahead of standing for Truth and defending life He has created! Looking back through history at those such as Paul, and Dietrich Bonhoeffer, and Corrie TenBoom and the many unknown who were willing to risk their life for God’s principles and today’s American Christians can’t give up shopping at Wal-Mart or taking our family to Disney World? Yet there are those who are taking such a stand, as exemplified below: ******************* “Dear Bill: Just wanted to let you know that I am not shopping at the locations you advise us about, and I’ve forwarded this message to many family and friends………..hopefully we will all make a difference………..with God’s help, many hearts will be touched…………….. God bless!!!” Sincerely, P ********************* Still we aren’t unsympathetic to the frustration of where we can shop. As one stated: ******************* “It is getting extremely difficult to know where to shop anymore. We are very tight on money and need to find the cheapest prices we can. We don’t want to support stores that go against our Christian morals. Where is it safe to shop anymore? We’d gladly patronize any store that is “clean”, but have yet to find one 100% good! Any suggestions?” ********************** It is hard to produce a list of morally clean companies for it often seems that companies we lift up as praise-worthy, months later will be found advertising on some corrupt television show, for example, or otherwise involved in the promotion of immorality. In addition, we simply don’t have the manpower to do all of the research necessary to offer such a comprehensive list. However, as we are able, we will make you aware of corporations that we believe are worthy of your patronage. In the meantime, perhaps you would like to do what I have done. I have switched my prescriptions from a corporate pharmacy to a local independent pharmacy. We no longer shop for groceries at chains such as Wal-Mart, but instead support a locally owned grocery store. It takes some searching and a little sacrifice, but there are alternatives to the large discount chains. ========================================================== Let’s encourage one another and strengthen one another to be more like our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. American Decency Association Bill Johnson, President P.O. Box 202 Fremont, MI 49412 PH: 231-924-4050

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