Webcast tonight Steve Ensley, executive director of American Family online will be boldly addressing the social networking interface, pornographic site: MySpace.com at 7:00 EST At 7:00 PM EST Go to: http://streamer.afo.net/default.asx For the last couple of days, we have been discussing our concerns regarding MySpace.com. One concern from a writer reads as follows: ” Here is something that I need to know about your MySpace bashing. Rebecca St. James, Michael W. Smith, Amy Grant, Iona, and even Sandi Patti, and The Gaithers to name just a few have MySpace pages, WITH NO indecent advertisements on their sites. Explain that to me. And are you going to criticize them for having these pages? These artists and many more have MySpace pages and use them as part of their ministry, effectively. Please give an answer if you may.” Steve Ensley’s response: Our concern with MySpace is not bashing, it is shining a light on immoral and destructive materials. A number of churches also have pages on MySpace and without exception every one that I have contacted has pulled their page after hearing our concerns. I can’t speak for these ministries listed, but I can speak to vulgarity, graphic lyrics, sex videos, pedophilia, self-destructive behaviors including drugs, alcohol and mutilation. These are all common themes and content on MySpace that are packaged to be very attractive and they draw people into tolerating or even condoning behaviors that are destructive and dishonor God. Using MySpace is like hosting a Church Youth Group in a conference room at the back of an adult bookstore. In order for the youth to get to their church meeting they have to pass through all of the immoral material which cannot be avoided. This means the “Church” is drawing youth to a place that they may not even be going otherwise. Jesus went to the sinners, but He drew them OUT of their sinful lifestyle. He did not draw people into the sinful! There is no valid justification for MySpace. There are thousands of alternatives that are safe. MySpace just happens to be popular for now but then again so was smoking 50 years ago! Steve will be speaking at ADA’s new headquarters tonight (June 22) at 7:00 PM (EST). If you are interested in watching this via webcam, visit us at http://streamer.afo.net/default.asx (Friday evening at 7:00 PM (EST).) Our July bulletin insert Oh that many churches would make this information available to their people that moms and dads and their children would be urged to seek “higher ground” and not give place for Satan. The Minefield of MySpace.com https://americandecency.org/resources/bulletin/2007/btnjuly07.pdf Donations accepted: https://secure4.afo.net/ada/main.php?f=donate/display9 American Decency Association Bill Johnson, President P.O. Box 202 Fremont, MI 49412 PH: 231-924-4050
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