This ministry – a bunch of monks? Hidden in the temple? Rather we led the charge against the so-called shock jock Howard Stern. Writing letters to over 16,000 advertisers urging them not to advertise on Stern’s trash show. Over 15,000 of those advertisers withdrew from sponsoring Stern and 23 radio stations dropped Stern. Howard Stern referred to us multiple times before he left terrestrial radio for satellite. We are in the world but not of it. People who call themselves Christians who think they can dabble in darkness are deceived and/or deceiving others. Well meaning or not (and certainly many are) – drawing friends and acquaintances into MySpace to see your profile is unwise. With your invitation to check out your webpage, what will they come across that may addict, desensitize, cause them to lust and sin, … One thing that is lost in so many of the emails that we have received. Pornography DOES destroy. As American pulpits are silent, apparently many who name the name of Jesus think that pornography is mainstream/okay. Victimless? “Be holy for I am holy.” [I Peter 1:15,16]. Does MySpace promote holiness for you and for the people you invite to see your page? Get real. Our July bulletin insert Oh that many churches would make this information available to their people that moms and dads and their children would be urged to seek “higher ground” and not give place for Satan. The Minefield of Donations accepted: American Decency Association Bill Johnson, President P.O. Box 202 Fremont, MI 49412 PH: 231-924-4050
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