Last week I quoted a person in the military who made several insightful and concerning comments. I re-quote them below:
” … This past week a major wire service story came across about the exposure of high school-aged students to pornography. It is rampant and we currently lack the tools or the will to deal nationally with the problem. …” currently serving in the military. Personal note: I pick up on the following words – “It [pornography] is rampant and we currently lack the tools or the will to deal nationally with the problem. …” As you raise your children and I have raised mine, I have wanted them to have a nice appearance externally, but more importantly I have wanted each one to have clean hearts – hearts inclined to learning, knowing of holiness, walking in holiness – pursuing holiness all the days of their lives. Ultimately, though, as with anyone each one of mine and yours has to have an inner power that I can’t give them. I’m not the Holy Spirit. Having myself been one who was captured for a season by Satan’s wiles via pornography, I saw for a period of time in my life (back in the 70s) the power of pornographic images. I was set free by coming to see that I was caught in a trap on the dark side. I discovered that I did have a power from within when I became a Christian. The Bible speaks truth. This new work that was begun through Christ will continue until the day that I go to be with Him in Heaven. There IS a working power within that strengthens a person who is responding obediently to Christ – turn away from that which is dishonoring to God and “pursue holiness without which no man shall see the Lord.” [Hebrews 12:14] It is His holiness and the life long pursuit of it by which we have the grace, empowerment of the Holy Spirit, the Word of Truth, the conviction, the resolve not to succumb to the advances of pornography that is now tragically all around us undermining and destroying many (and our culture) – even those who you would never imagine (like those named below). Many (most?) church goers (how many of these church goers) are actually Christians I don’t know. Only Christ knows. However, if you and I haven’t been truly saved by His grace, we also then don’t have the inner strength to be overcomers of Satan, sin, the world. Read and weep. Boy, 15, tells court he seduced teacher The 31 year old married Christian school teacher. What goes wrong that opens individuals up to such heinous crime? Look at her face in the link above. Read it and weep. Weep for all whom this touches. Weep for us too as it touches us – yes it touches us. The Roseville, MI teacher (Janelle Batkins aged 42, taught French for 15 years and was named Teacher of the Year in 2002. She is married with two children aged 14 and 21.) The article states that Janelle Batkins aged 42, taught French for 15 years and was named Teacher of the Year in 2002. She is married with two children aged 14 and 21. A federal prosecutor, MySpace and a five year old John David Roy Atchison, 53, of Gulf Breeze, Fla Prayer: Father God. We stand in great need of Your Holy Spirit to convict us. Soften our hearts. Quicken us to seek Your face and turn from our wicked ways. In Christ’s name alone. Amen. American Decency Association Bill Johnson, President P.O. Box 202 Fremont, MI 49412 PH: 231-924-4050
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