"… Examples abound, some of outwardly decent people, indeed pillars of the community, who have sought to have sex with children through sites such as Facebook and MySpace. …"Personal note: This past Saturday I had the opportunity and privilege of speaking at a conference (Respect Life Fair) in Otsego, Michigan (south of Grand Rapids and north of Kalamazoo). After my 45 minute message, there was an opportunity for questions and comments followed by several people who came up and shared their life experiences with me. One was a mother/grandmother who shared that her husband had died about ten years ago. Her heartache was this. Her two sons (in their thirties) recently revealed that they had pornography issues. When she asked them how they got hooked they said their father had acquainted them to pornography. This lady aged in her seventies was devastated by this revelation. She told me I feel like I have been living a lie for all of these years. Her husband had been a faithful church goer. She also added that her sons would not lie about such a thing. During my presentation I had shared about the highly regarded 54 year old U.S. Assistant Federal Prosecutor who had been caught recently in a sting operation at Detroit Metro. He was on his way to have sex with a supposed 5 year old. He was carrying a teddy bear and jar of pertroleum jelly. [Side note: A priest stood up and stated that the news that morning was reporting that the Federal Attorney had taken his life.] An ABC news article states: "… The ascent of the Internet as the supermarket of choice for deviants has spurred law enforcement authorities to step up their trolling of the darkest corners of the Web in an effort to lure sex offenders to their arrests. Examples abound, some of outwardly decent people, indeed pillars of the community, who have sought to have sex with children through sites such as Facebook and MySpace. …" http://www.abcnews.go.com/US/story?id=3691604&page=1 [I encourage you to read the above article: "Parents Who Pimp Their Children – The FBI Steps Up Efforts to Catch Parents and the Predators Who Want Their Kids for Sex"] There once was a day when there was a war against pornography. It was a law enforcement priority in the Reagan/George H. Bush administrations. The pornography industry was back on its heels. Pornography was a societal taboo. Liberals cried censorship. Many hyper "free speech" advocates cried "censorship", "book burners". Now we have gone through years of passivity, do-nothingism in regard to the fight against pornography. There are many voices that could have predicted what we are now seeing. They knew and know that pornography must be checked for if it is not it will have its wicked way for it is a powerful force particularly when so widely available and legitimized that it will desensitize even the most unsuspecting. If we are not able to find the will to address the horrible cancer of pornography aggressively, systematically and faithfully, it will continue to degrade, and destroy Americans and America. Fighting pornography in the military? It's a no brainer. We must do everything we can to help military leaders see that the moral sensibilities of some of America's youngest and finest must be protected from the wickedness of smut. Contact: http://www.defenselink.mil:80/faq/questions.aspx Commander@aafes.com ====================== In closing, I share these comments from Brian Joseph, retired from the Marine Corps, a former Exchange Director and former Staff Officer for General Pace. To Fellow Friends and Readers of ADA, In regard to the recent exchange between the wife of an Army husband and myself about pornography in the military, I did not realize my comments were going to be published. https://americandecency.org/main.php?f=updates_new/2007/October/10.08.07 Instead I thought I was being asked for an internal frank assessment and therefore would have phrased my comments differently had I known otherwise. For this is a time to encourage one another in this fight and not to tear down, for our fight is not against flesh and blood, …but against the spiritual forces of wickedness in the heavenly places (Ephesians 6:12). But thanks be to God, who gives us the victory through our Lord Jesus Christ (1 Corinthians 15:57). My apologies to this courageous woman who was speaking her heart-felt concerns. And I would say to her directly, "Thank you for sharing your many well-founded concerns about this terrible blight on our country. Many in our military are indeed being corrupted by it, and we need more people like you to speak up as you have!" To this fine woman, and to Bill and to ADA — thank you again for sounding the trumpet for decency. May we never give up! Therefore encourage one another and build up one another, just as you also are doing. 1 Thessalonians 5:11 Respectfully, Brian Joseph ———————– Match Grant challenge. We received this gracious offer from an anonymous donor. "… I would like to again offer a $15,000 matching grant to anyone who hasn't given since 12/31/05 or to anyone who gives more than what they gave in 2006 (e.g. if they gave $1,000 in '06 and gave $1500 in '07, we will match the $500 increase as long as it was given between 9/10/07-12/31/07). We will match these gifts received from 9/10/07 through 12/31/07." Help us meet this challenge early. Thanks – https://secure4.afo.net/ada/main.php?f=donate/display9 American Decency Association Bill Johnson, President P.O. Box 202 Fremont, MI 49412 ph: 231-924-4050 www.americandecency.org
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