… the horrible sin of the period

By: American Decency Staff

I had a dear lady write and tell me she always believed that I was a committed Christian but she thought the only ministries that she should support were “teach – preach – baptize” ministries. She asked for my response. In part, I shared the following quote with her from Charles Haddon Spurgeon: “If the horrible sin of the period is to be denounced and punished, we may not shrink from the loathsome conflict. Let each man in his own position labour after purity; and, as God shall help us, we may yet sweep the streets of their infamies, and deliver our youth from pollution. Every Christian man should say of every struggle for better things, ‘I am in it, cost what it may.’ Hosts of your professors of religion forget to seek God’s righteousness, and seem to suppose that their principal business is to save their own souls – poor little souls that they are! Their religion is barely sufficient to fill up the vacuum within their own ribs, where their hearts should be. This selfishness is not the religion of Jesus. The religion of Jesus is unselfish: it enlists a man as a crusader against everything that is unrighteous. We are knights of the red cross, and our bloodless battles are against all things that degrade our fellow-men, whether they be causes social, political, or religious. We fight for everything that is good, true, and just….” I have believed since I left my teaching job in June 1988 that I was called of God to stand and serve as I am. I didn’t need Spurgeon’s affirming words but they do affirm. God bless you. Sincerely, Bill Johnson One commandment per month campaign: http://www.tencommandmentsonline.net/oneamonth/index.htm A voice of wisdom and true truth https://americandecency.org/main.php?f=updates_new/2007/June/6.08.07 An update regarding God’s miracle: https://americandecency.org/main.php?f=updates_new/2007/June/6.01.07 American Decency Association Bill Johnson, President P.O. Box 202 Fremont, MI 49412 PH: 231-924-4050 www.americandecency.org

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