Stand therefore! Staying invigorated – The help of God – being renewed day by day

By: American Decency Staff

When you are engaged in the kind of battles that we engage in, sometimes it is very difficult not to get disgusted with individuals who could make a difference but whose consciences are deadened because money has hardened them to what is good and honorable. I was reading from I Samuel. Saul had been anointed by God as King of Israel. It didn't take long before Saul began to operate out of his own desires. As he did so, he lost the blessing and anointing of God. Darkness increasingly marked Saul. The presence of God left him. I don't want that happening to me or you! It was a great warning for me again today. How easy it is to exert our will and replace God's way with our own. Little by little we too can lose the blessing of God upon our lives. We can lose God's blessing as we get angry, bitter, spiteful, make bad choices. Waste our time on selfish things when we could be standing, living and doing battle for the Lord (in multiple ways – the needs are so great). Through the counsel of several senior to me, I learned the importance of getting in God's word and staying in it. Awakening early and putting myself under the Bible and a few devotional writers, I need to get my heart challenged and plowed each and every morning. And, of course, spending time with the Lord in prayer. I'm memorizing the words to a song written by the late Dr. James Boice [written in 2000]. The first verse reads: "When evil thrives in earth's last days and people boast of brutal ways, when even churches in this hour retain the form but lose God's power, hold fast to everything you've learned, the word which sinful men have spurned." As I continue in this work and in this life, I need God's help to keep me refreshed and renewed day by day. And so do you! We continue, with God's great help, to fight the fight of faith. Thanks for standing with us in praying, supporting, emailing, standing in your own corner of the world – letting your light shine and being the salt of the world. Coming up next week ***Advertiser list for Victoria's Secret Fashion Show and synopsis of the show ***update on Victoria's Secret displays at the local mall. Staying faithful in shining the light and being the salt. Lastly, Match Grant. We received this gracious offer from an anonymous donor. "… I would like to again offer a $15,000 matching grant to anyone who hasn't given since 12/31/05 or to anyone who gives more than what they gave in 2006 (e.g. if they gave $1,000 in '06 and gave $1500 in '07, we will match the $500 increase as long as it was given between 9/10/07-12/31/07). We will match these gifts received from 9/10/07 through 12/31/07." DONATE ONLINE AT: ADA IS A MEMBER OF THE ECFA EVANGELICAL COUNCIL FOR FINANCIAL ACCOUNTABILITY OR SEND YOUR CHECK OR MONEY ORDER TO: American Decency Association Bill Johnson, President P.O. Box 202 Fremont, MI 49412 ph: 231-924-4050 ADA — a) that the ADA is an overtly Christian organization whose positions on the nature of morality emanate from a biblical worldview. b) that Christians are called to the pursuit of holiness in all aspects of their lives. c) that holiness demands of God's people that they be a light in a darkened world d) that being a light in a darkened world does not mean selfish retreat from the world, but an activism within it that proceeds from love for our neighbor. e) that the ADA desires to provide those who would desire to be a light with the tools and resources necessary to be that light.

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