"… They don't belong in the middle of a bustling mall where moms buy school clothes for their kids or on a TV when kids could walk through the room to get a drink of water. …"
[A former purchaser of Victoria's Secret merchandise referring to the manner in which Victoria's Secret displays their ads]
This Victoria's Secret display has been at the Lakes Mall in Muskegon, Michigan for over a year.
Here is the erotic display. "Warning! The photo is graphic and offensive.)"
This mall located in west Michigan permits Victoria's Secret to use displays like this. Where are the voices of indignation from the greater Muskegon community?
This display faces directly out into the main walk way of this general shopping mall.
Express your concern:
Lakes Mall
Michael Hagen, General Manger
5600 Harvey Street
ph: 231.798.7154
fax: 231.798.7129
email: michael_hagen@cblproperties.com
I will keep you up-to-date on this. This and the other similar displays need to come down! Your few moments to comment WOULD MAKE A DIFFERENCE.
Also contact the Limited:
(owners of Victoria's Secret)
Take Action:
(1) Don't spend a single dollar with Victoria's Secret or its subsidiaries
(2) Urge others to do the same. Contact us for a Victoria's Secret bumper sticker and display it in a prominent place.
"Victoria's Dirty Secret: PORNOGRAPHY"
"Victoria: Keep Your Secrets Covered"
Call or email us at:
1-888-733-2326 or
email: kimberly@americandecency.org
(3) CONTACT VICTORIA'S SECRET and speak out locally where concerns exist —
Victoria's Secret
Grace A. Nichols
4 Limited Pkwy. East
Reynoldsburg, OH 43068
Phone: 614-577-7000
Fax: 614-577-7047
email: http://www2.victoriassecret.com/html/custsrvc/contact/comments/
Email service@victoriassecret.com
The Limited (owns Victoria's Secret, Bath & Body Works, White Barn Candle Company)
Leslie Wexner, CEO
Three Limited Parkway
Columbus, OH 43230
A concerned doctor stated it this way:
They push their commercials and window store displays in our faces where we don't want them. We don't want them popping up while watching TV with our neighbors, friends, or family. While walking in the mall with our children we and our babies and teens are met by the skimpy "tease" show displayed in the VS windows. I see young girls walk by VS embarrassed with boyfriends or their families.
I purchased from VS in the past, however, they have lost me now because they disrespect my family by not being sensitive to their surroundings or those that don't want semi nude, or scantily clad seductive posers everywhere they go. There is a time and place for those things. They don't belong in the middle of a bustling mall where moms buy school clothes for their kids or on a TV when kids could walk through the room to get a drink of water.
Dr. K.C. (anonymity protected)
American Decency Association
Bill Johnson, President
P.O. Box 202
Fremont, MI 49412
ph: 231-924-4050
Call us:
231-924-4050Email us:
info@americandecency.orgWrite us:
American Decency AssociationCopyright 2025 American Decency