“… The girls are very aggressive, dress inappropriately and have no idea the danger they put themselves in. It is a game to them…. it is very frightening. I blame the media and the clothing manufacturers for sexualizing everything. I see these girls walking home from school, both middle school and high school and I can’t believe parents allow their daughters leave the house looking like they do! …”
Personal note: As many of you know, over the years, we have promoted Pam Stenzel’s powerful video DVD “Sex Has A Price Tag.” Stenzel worked in a crisis pregnancy center for nine years. She knows in a first hand way the powerful damage that is being done by casual sex. Many would say no one tells the story of the harm nor provides more convincing answers than Pam Stenzel. The following email comes from a grandmother who as a result of her experience (below) has purchased a DVD of “Time to Wait for Sex” and donated it to a local school. She shares her concerning story below. [Please also note the negative role MySpace plays in this as well.] If after reading this, you, too, may want to purchase a DVD copy of Stenzel’s message, we provide the information below and view it for yourself and donate it as you feel led.
A grandmother expresses her concern regarding casual sex — and the aggression of young girls — Hi, Kimberly, It was nice talking to you on the phone today. What happened to my grandson was a great wake-up call for the entire family. I had purchased “Sex Has a Price Tag” several months ago. My husband and I watched it first and were shocked with the information provided. Neither of us had any idea how dangerous, how literally life-threatening casual sex is! There is absolutely nothing to tell us about this….with the media promoting casual sex the way it does, it seems as if they WANT young people to die early. But that isn’t the story, is it? My oldest grandson began attending the middle school that is literally right behind our housing development. The plan was that he would walk to my house so his mother or the live-in nanny could pick him up here rather than fight the long lines at the school. No one, it seems, allows their child to walk home any more. The first day was a Friday. We figured it would take him about 15 minutes to walk here (there is no direct route). When he hadn’t shown up by 3:30, I got in the car and scoured the neighborhood looking for him, thinking he was lost. He wasn’t around. I then left the subdivision, went around the block to the school and then I saw him walking the dirt path to the entrance to our subdivision. He was about a third of the way down the path so he couldn’t hear me yelling. I drove back to the neighborhood and caught up with him about 2 blocks from my house. What I didn’t know was that 3 girls were talking to him, getting his phone (cell) number and that is what delayed him. These three girls were supposed to come visit him on Saturday so my son and his wife stayed home to make sure adults were present, etc. By 3 in the afternoon, the girls hadn’t shown up and my grandson said he’d be out front to see if they were around. My son got a little concerned when he could find no sign of my grandson so his wife got in her car to go look for him. He and the girls were around the corner talking….the girls would not come to the house and after questioning my grandson when he was ordered home, it seems the girls were “dropped off” about a mile away from the house and didn’t want the grown-ups to see them because they were high on pot. Needless to say, my daughter-in-law was upset by this and the rude behavior of the girls. They had allowed my grandson to have a page on My Space quite some time ago and then made him take it down. What they didn’t know was that he had re-created it at school during computer lab and declared his “love” for one of these three girls. My son found his page, looked at his new “love”s My Space page and was horrified to see the sexual ads and photos that were sexually graphic of the girl herself! Again, they demanded he take down the page. After this fiasco, on Monday following, my daughter-in-law took my grandson’s cellphone away for the evening so he would sleep and not “text-message” till the wee hours of the morning. She decided to look at the messages to see what he was up to. She was appalled at finding a message sent on Friday, 2:30 in the afternoon (during school hours) asking my grandson to meet her in the bathroom for sex! The message was much more sexually explicit but I won’t repeat it here. The next morning, my daughter-in-law went to the school office and demanded to see the principal. She was told the principal was in a meeting and a school counselor met with her first. The counselor listened, saw the text message and was pretty casual about the whole thing saying she knew the girls (there were 2 of them) involved and they had problems in the past. When asked if kids were having sex in the bathrooms, the counselor just shrugged her shoulders neither denying or admitting anything. At last, the principal did see my daughter-in-law and when shown the text messages, she was appalled. Apparently she knew nothing about these girls as the counselor did. The girls’ parents were called and apparently the girls “got in trouble” with her parents (that is what they told my grandson). That very afternoon, my daughter-in-law sat down with her son and they watched “Sex Has a Price Tag” together. All my grandson could say was, “I didn’t know” and was very sobered with the information. My son asked if they could loan the DVD to my grandson’s best friend. Of course, I said yes but I felt that since the principal was either in denial or really didn’t know what was going on at her school, that they would be open to a public school version of the DVD. These are 13 year-old children we are talking about. The girls are very aggressive, dress inappropriately and have no idea the danger they put themselves in. It is a game to them….it is very frightening. I blame the media and the clothing manufacturers for sexualizing everything. I see these girls walking home from school, both middle school and high school and I can’t believe parents allow their daughters leave the house looking like they do! Maybe they don’t know since they probably both work and leave the house before their kids do? I don’t know. Of course, I see the mothers too and they hardly dress any better. It is so sad the message the adult world is sending these kids. I will let you know how the school responds to my request to show the DVD. In Christ S… (name intentionally kept anonymous) California Order the DVD at: https://secure4.afo.net/ada/main.php?f=store/display “Time to Wait for Sex” – public school version “Sex Has A Price Tag” – Christian version American Decency Association Bill Johnson, President P.O. Box 202 Fremont, MI 49412 PH: 231-924-4050 www.americandecency.org
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