‘There was a stereotype that it was a good thing for a young boy to get experience by an older woman,’ Detroit Free Press, September 25, 2007. One of the lead articles in the Detroit Free Press this morning reads: “Roseville teacher arraigned on charges of sex with student aide – Disturbing trend, different stigma for male, female teachers, experts say” The article states that Janelle Batkins aged 42, taught French for 15 years and was named Teacher of the Year in 2002. She is married with two children aged 14 and 21. Her “affair” was with a 17 year old boy. As I looked at the picture on the Freep web page, I again was overwhelmed with the magnitude of sin – this crime. Oh the heartache that she has caused. I found myself grieving, yes, for her and for those who have been damaged, shamed, broken, ruined. http://www.freep.com//apps/pbcs.dll/article?AID=/20070924/NEWS04/70924035/1001/NEWS&imw=Y TV has “softened up” natural barriers and paved the way for almost total capitulation to the Internet. Lives ruined. Relationships destroyed. Images and themes bombarding young and old alike – virtually no constraint. “… The boy’s mother brought the allegations to Roseville police in July after finding evidence of the relationship on her son’s computer. Her son told detectives he consented to sex with [the young man] when he was 17 in places like her home and a car in Roseville, police said. … Investigators have confiscated their e-mails, instant messages and phone records. They also interviewed faculty members and other students during their investigation. .. Similar cases have made headlines in metro Detroit and across the country. In June, Stephen Tisch, 31, of Commerce Township, was charged with five counts of criminal sexual conduct for allegedly having sex with a 15-year-old female student at Walled Lake Central High School. Earlier this month, a former Plymouth Christian Academy teacher, Stephanie Ann Stein, 31, of Canton, was charged with two counts of third-degree criminal sexual conduct and other felonies for allegedly having sex with a 15-year-old boy. Historically, male teachers have faced harsher prison sentences and more public ridicule than females accused of these crimes, said David A. Moran, associate dean of Wayne State University’s Law School. ‘There was a stereotype that it was a good thing for a young boy to get experience by an older woman,’ said Moran, pointing out that it was romanticized in movies. …” ============================ It is a grace thing. God first loved me and I saw my need. Christ – I have found my armor in His holiness. But by the grace of God, maybe I would be in the spot of this teacher. Holiness. It’s a great pursuit. It is within His holiness that we have our shield for now and ever more. We continue to encourage the purchase of Dr. Jerry Bridge’s book “The Pursuit of Holiness.” The author Jerry Bridges states it this way: “The Christian plumber and the Christian banker and the unsung homemaker and the powerful head of state are all alike called to be holy.” “… But God has not called us to be like those around us. He has called us to be like Himself. Holiness is nothing less than conformity to the character of God.” This book is a tremendous study. The chapters are concise and meaty but readable. The little book has study questions for each chapter. A tremendous way to study over a period of time God’s great plan for our lives – I urge the reading and study of this book for yourself. And beyond that, I encourage you to bring together a group of people – young and/or old – and study and strive together to engage in this life long pursuit – “to be holy for He is holy.” If you would like a free copy, email kimberly@americandecency.org If you would like multiple copies, we are making them available for $1.00 a piece plus shipping. Call 1-888-733-2326. ========= American Decency Association Bill Johnson, President P.O. Box 202 Fremont, MI 49412 PH: 231-924-4050 www.americandecency.org
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