Pornography Awareness Week – Thursday

By: American Decency Staff

Victoria's Secret. I stopped in and took a few pictures of Victoria's Secret displays yesterday at Rivertown Crossings Mall (Grandville, MI). In regard to whether to display images of Victoria's Secret advertisments to show the specific concern, there is the aspect of "seeing is believing". On the other hand, there is the aspect of displaying eroticism (even if somewhat toned down) that can and does stimulate improper response – lust. I'll describe it verbally instead. Large posters displaying far more cleavage than necessary – scantily clad in highly visible locations. I'm letting a few influential ones know that though they haven't heard from me recently, I'm still here. I'm contacting Mr. John Bucksbaum, CEO of General Growth Properties (second largest renter of mall space in America). Here's what I wrote. Dear Mr. Bucksbaum: I stopped in at your mall property in Grandville, Michigan recently to see that you continue to permit your renter, Victoria's Secret, to pollute the moral sensibilities of untold numbers of shoppers. Do you ever wonder how many shoppers have been chased away by the excesses of Victoria's Secret? Whenever I write about my concerns, I hear from people who tell me they don't do the mall anymore because of the displays of Victoria's Secret. Yesterday I was disappointed to witness the "bordello look" that you have yourself referenced before. I am forwarding you a couple of the pictures. I urge you to exercise your leadership Mr. Bucksbaum and tone down these disgraceful displays. Sincerely, Bill Johnson Contact: General Growth Properties Mr. John Bucksbaum, CEO 110 N. Wacker Dr. Chicago, IL 60606 Telephone: 312-960-5000 Email: Also: Email: Rivertown Crossings Mall (greater Grand Rapids, Michigan area) Mr. Randy Zimmerman ========== ADA "Pornography Awareness" Event scheduled for this Saturday, November 3 between 9:30 AM and 12:00 PM at ADA headquarters 203 E. Main Street Fremont, MI I received this emailing mentioning their activities from Carole LaFreniere Choices 4 Women In case you all don't know, this week is pornography awareness week! Porn destroys lives, both those who consume it and those who make it! This Saturday we went to a local strip club and passed out gift bags and flowers to the girls. They were very receptive and not to sure what to make of us, we will be going back on a regular basis to continue to build relationships with the dancers and staff. We also visited the nude modeling studio and gave the girls there flowers and a devotional. They were totally blown away and kept saying wow, thank you so! They were surprised that anyone would give them anything without wanting something in return. There are lots of sexually orientated businesses in our area, and a lot of hurting women who don't know that there is a God who loves them! As an ex-sex industry worker, I know first hand the total darkness and bondage that these women live in, and the damage it does to them. Our God sets captives free and He loves these women. They are precious to Him, and by extent ion to us. We would love your help! If you would like to know more and about how you and your church can help us reach these women for Christ, call me or email me! I would love to share the vision that God has given with your church or group. To do this outreach we need your prayers. This is a spiritual battle and we need all the covering we can get as we go into enemy territory to fight for those in darkness. Blessings, Carole LaFreniere Choices 4 Women I received this notice from friends in Maryland. Bill, We at MCAP (Md. Coalition Against Porn.) are sponsoring an event at the Univ. of MD. on Nov. 4 in connection with the WRAP observance. "Pornography: The Destruction of Human Sexuality" featuring Michael Craven at the University of Maryland Sponsored by the Maryland Coalition Against Pornography 301.439.8475 or for more information See our related bulletin insert at: Lastly, Match Grant. We received this gracious offer from an anonymous donor. "… I would like to again offer a $15,000 matching grant to anyone who hasn't given since 12/31/05 or to anyone who gives more than what they gave in 2006 (e.g. if they gave $1,000 in '06 and gave $1500 in '07, we will match the $500 increase as long as it was given between 9/10/07-12/31/07). We will match these gifts received from 9/10/07 through 12/31/07." Help us meet this challenge. Thanks so much – ====================== Lastly, it is a battle that must first be fought and won on the inside. That's why I have been mentioning the mp3s made available free of charge by Dr. John Piper and Desiring God Ministries. Each of the twelve messages are filled with powerful life changing content and challenge. Speakers: Mark Dever, C.J. & Carolyn Mahaney, Carolyn McCulley, Al Mohler, Ben Patterson, John Piper, David Powlison Topics included: John Piper-Sex and the Supremacy of Christ (Part One) Ben Patterson-The Goodness of Sex and the Glory of God Al Mohler-Homosexual 'Marriage': A Tragic Oxymoron, Biblical and Cultural Reflections Mark Dever-Christian Hedonists or Religious Prudes? The Puritans on Sex David Powlison-Making All Things New-Restoring Pure Joy to the Sexually Broken John Piper-Sex and the Supremacy of Christ (Part Two) ELECTIVE SESSIONS C.J. Mahaney-Sex, Romance, and the Glory of God: What Every Christian Husband Needs to Know Carolyn Mahaney-Sex, Romance, and the Glory of God: What Every Christian Wife Needs to Know Mark Dever-Sex and the Single Man Carolyn McCulley-We're Not on Hold: Biblical Femininity for Single Women Speaker Interviews with Mark Dever (Friday) Speaker Interviews with Mark Dever (Saturday) We will make each of these messages available to you free of charge Email me with the following words in the subject line: Supremacy of Christ Contact me at: "*************************** American Decency Association Bill Johnson, President P.O. Box 202 Fremont, MI 49412 ph:231-924-4050 fax:231-924-1966

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