Playboy Mansion and Myspace

By: American Decency Staff

“… Next time you are in Chicago meeting with your Christian friends, rent a room at the Playboy mansion for your meeting. …” Playboy Mansion and MySpace (taken from a response email to a Christian brother). Next time you are in Chicago meeting with your Christian friends, rent a room at the Playboy mansion for your meeting. That is the same thing you are doing on MySpace. MySpace is a place of corruption. Every time you or your friends use MySpace you are paying for that corruption. If you would like to verify what I say, type the word nude or nudity in the MySpace search engine. It will come back with a results of 183,000,000 references including images, stories and worse. Every time an ad appears on your page to a viewer, you are helping to pay for the corruption. There are many, many other sites to meet Christian friends that are not corrupt, and are just two of them. If we Christians care about our friends we will try to draw them out of the cesspool of MySpace and into the clean waters of other good sites. … Steve [Steve is a friend of this ministry and president of American Family Online] =============== Our July bulletin insert Oh that many churches would make this information available to their people that moms and dads and their children would be urged to seek “higher ground” and not give place for Satan. The Minefield of Donations to stand with us: American Decency Association Bill Johnson, President P.O. Box 202 Fremont, MI 49412 PH: 231-924-4050

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