Our caller from the UK

By: American Decency Staff

Personal note: Yesterday I received a call from a Christian lady from the UK. She was seeking information and counsel regarding our faithful efforts relative to Abercrombie & Fitch. You may recall that A&F discontinued the production and sale of the A&F catalog in December 2003. In addition, the store’s displays remain much improved since that date with some exceptions. Our UK caller was reporting that she had recently been visiting in Chicago and saw that the A&F in the mall where she was shopping used reasonable displays. In addition, the models had their clothes on. However, in London, she reported that when she shopped recently, she saw that A&F’s male sales clerks paraded about bare chested. A&F female clerks too were dressed very inappropriately. She stated that the wall displays were highly erotic and disgusting in London. Our caller mentioned concerns about the immodest dress of so many in London – including the very young. She stated, with her heavy British accent, that it seemed clear to her that in America there have been people that still speak out, and it has made a difference. Update: Yesterday, earlier in the day, one of ADA’s staff persons here had monitored an area A&F store. Her report was that overall A&F displays remained quite reasonable. Lastly, we gave counsel to our new friend in London and will be providing her further background as to our “salt and light” efforts in regard to A&F. She hinted that uphill battling is what we face as our culture becomes increasingly dark. Nonetheless, we know that the battle is the Lord’s. We are His workmanship. We are called to faithfulness. Prayer: Father God – we need your help not to despair and to give in to what seems inevitable – slouching to Gommorah. Amen. =========================================================== Vigilance is required – thus – we visit Abercrombie & Fitch monthly in order to keep you and others abreast of their marketing trends. =========================================================== Some of you have never contacted us or supported this ministry. We are strengthened by the support of like-minded friends in the cause of Christ. https://americandecency.org/folder.php?f=donate Let’s encourage one another and strengthen one another to be more like our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. American Decency Association Bill Johnson, President P.O. Box 202 Fremont, MI 49412 PH: 231-924-4050 www.americandecency.org

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