A Christian brother takes exception to yesterday’s email alert regarding Dr. John MacArthur’s message – which I entitled “All We Have is the Truth.” He states that MacArthur’s message is fatalistic and goes against this ministry’s philosophy. Below I provide you with his thoughtful letter and my response. Letter from concerned writer: Bill, Well, I know you like John MacArthur, but his message is diametrically opposed to your message. He is saying God has abandoned the US. But God hasn’t abandoned America, the Church has abandoned America and you are trying to change that. I think John MacArthur is doing irreparable damage to our cause, and is preaching fatalism and causing many to fall away. Who cares what happens if God has given up on us? If God has given up, surely we better as well. Who wants to be found going against God? And so, Mr MacArthur is basically saying give up, it’s all over, God has moved to countries unknown, so stay out of government, business, education, and just let the devil have it all. What he doesn’t seem to understand is the reason things are like they are is not because God has left us, it’s because the Church has not been active in civil affairs and has not taken it’s place in our culture. That is precisely what you are all about. God is waiting for us to do our job – He hasn’t gone anywhere! So, if you really believe Mr MacArthur is right, why do you continue in the fruitless effort to get Christians to be salt and light in this country in a cause that is already lost and God has already cursed? What possible reason do you have to continue ADA?? If you really believe MacArthur is correct, you are fighting against God to continue ADA! I don’t get it. What am I missing?? You are doing a great job of energizing the Church, and he is coming right behind you and saying forget it, it’s over, don’t worry anymore about the culture. I have read his books and all he talks about is fatalism and giving up. I think he is probably the single most active agent working against the work of God in the US that I have seen. Bill, I admire you greatly for the work you are doing. You are a great encourager and captain of the warriors. DO NOT GIVE UP, AND DON’T BE INFLUENCED BY THIS THEOLOGY-YOU AND YOUR WORK ARE TOO IMPORTANT!!! GOD IS ALIVE AND WELL IN AMERICA!!! Blessings, P.K. ================ My response: Paul: You pose thoughtful questions and comments. Regarding John MacArthur: I don’t deny that I have been irked, too, by Dr. MacArthur on occasion. As you say, he is not supportive of the likes of our work – “activists.” [Below I share why I believe that is. Read on.] His burden – in part -, I believe, is that people can think that doing supersedes being. There is certainly truth in that. That is a trap as well – action, action, action without a heart for Christ, His truth and His righteousness. (My position though would be true salvation leads to service – love response – action.) I don’t believe, however, that MacArthur is fatalistic. I do believe he is Bibical. I believe that it is because (generally speaking) the church has failed that therefore in failing to preach the full counsel of God – warning, exhorting, preaching against sin, calling people out for their wickedness, failing to preach against specific sins that many who may think they are Christians may in fact be walking in darkness with a false sense of security. MacArthur’s latest book “The Truth War” addresses how the church is falling for emergent church, seeker church, Rick Warren approaches and is taking the hard edge off Scripture to draw a younger crowd by being relevant. He talks about how the church (on the women’s issue) has made the Word say what it doesn’t say – women in ordained positions. This, too, is a slippery slope. As a church, a denomination starts to misinterpret the Word, great faltering is taking place. I give credit to MacArthur for being forthright and speaking against this now very common church practice which undermines the authority of the Word of God. It is rampant and contributes to the falling away of the church. I believe it is true that God has turned America over to reprobation (Romans 1). That doesn’t mean that it is irreversible. God is still calling out to America to turn to Him as He did to Israel. As MacArthur states “God calls His people to hear the Word and obey it. To hear the Word and obey it.” Part of the heart of my calling (as you observe) has been to call out the church – “to be salt and light.” That doesn’t change in any way with MacArthur’s message. I believe MacArthur’s message, too, serves as a great warning and encouragement to the church to preach the Word – to call people to salvation by grace alone, through faith alone, in Christ alone, and to live godly lives in Christ Jesus. I don’t believe that MacArthur’s message is fatalistic. I believe it is realistic and prophetic. I don’t believe that America is God’s final hope. America may in fact go down (and is going down) but that doesn’t mean that “fools for Christ”, present day persons like myself with a prophetic gifting, must be obedient to that calling to call out the church to hear the Word and obey it, to turn from their wicked ways, to pursue holiness without which no man shall see the Lord. I also believe loving Christ also includes living for Him which includes speaking up, speaking out, taking stands because of what Christ has done for me upon the cross. THEREFORE, opposing evil in the marketplace, at the workplace, etc., etc. IS a natural heart response to His great love for you and me. I hope this helps you to see why MacArthur fits with our message. Fatalistic? No. Realistic? Yes. Opposed to activism per se? No. Supportive of genuine being for Christ rather than works salvation? Yes. Sincerely, Bill Johnson ================= Looking for a good book to use for a Bible study? We continue to encourage the purchase of Dr. Jerry Bridge’s book “The Pursuit of Holiness.” The author Jerry Bridges states it this way: “The Christian plumber and the Christian banker and the unsung homemaker and the powerful head of state are all alike called to be holy.” “… But God has not called us to be like those around us. He has called us to be like Himself. Holiness is nothing less than conformity to the character of God.” This book is a tremendous study. The chapters are concise and meaty but readable. The little book has study questions for each chapter. A tremendous way to study over a period of time God’s great plan for our lives – I urge the reading and study of this book for yourself. And beyond that, I encourage you to bring together a group of people – young and/or old – and study and strive together to engage in this life long pursuit – “to be holy for He is holy.” If you would like a free copy, email kimberly@americandecency.org If you would like multiple copies, we are making them available for $1.00 a piece plus shipping. Call 1-888-733-2326. ========= American Decency Association Bill Johnson, President P.O. Box 202 Fremont, MI 49412 PH: 231-924-4050 www.americandecency.org
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