In times like these …

By: American Decency Staff

In times like these, as in all times, it is vital to grow in the grace and knowledge of Christ, to be built up, renewed in the word of God and in His Spirit. Spiritual warfare is very real. To act as though there is no spiritual enemy is naive. The King James version often uses the words “Gird up the loins of your mind …” Daily devotions are vital to this end. I also commend to you for the stirrings, edification and exhortation of particularly the young the DVD/video tape of Pam Stenzel “Sex Has a Price Tag.” It remains the best resource on its topic that we are aware of. With the embattlement that we find ourselves engaged in, we must do our best to challenge our youth to avoid unbiblical sexuality. This powerful DVD by Pam Stenzel challenges the heart, soul, mind and spirit. Here is what a few others have said: Bill, As an abstinence educator I have been using the Pam Stenzel videos for a couple of years, they are the best thing available!! The students repeatedly tell us that of all the activities we do with them this video has the most impact. Thank you for promoting both versions. Non-Christian kids think that it is all about religion, but Pam presents in a way that can convince them it is for their health no matter what. So many of our school kids have no background in any church or relationship with Christ, I have seen this be a lead in for discussion with other Christian kids. Great stuff!!! Marcy, Bloomington, IL “… Thank you so much for the EXCELLENT video by Pam Stenzel. It came very quickly after I ordered it and I watched it with my 17 year old daughter. It was definitely a well done video and I have passed it on to two of my relatives! Thanks again.” I ordered the Pam Stenzel video and it is absolutely wonderful and very powerful. I was wondering if it came in a public school version or only the Parochial school version. Thanks for the information. Linda A. [ADA NOTE: It does come in a public school version entitled “Time to Wait for Sex”] We strongly recommend this compelling message. You can order “Sex Has a Price Tag” in DVD or video or CD form by calling us at 1-888-733-2326 or from our web site at: =========================================================== Let’s encourage one another and strengthen one another to be more like our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. American Decency Association Bill Johnson, President P.O. Box 202 Fremont, MI 49412 PH: 231-924-4050

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