“Free speech” vs. protection of children

By: American Decency Staff

A recent court ruling has struck down the 1998 Child Online Protection Act in the name of “free-speech”. http://news.yahoo.com/s/ap/20070322/ap_on_hi_te/internet_blocking We asked Steve Ensley of AFO to comment on this disturbing ruling. Please read his important response and contact AFO (see below) for information on bringing Internet protection to your family. The danger to you and your family is very real and the consequences are too great to ignore.

****************** Steve Ensley, AFO: “As expected, a liberal appeals judge for the 3rd Circuit Court of Appeals struck down the law passed in 1998 that made a minimal attempt at protecting children from online porn. It seems that in this country porn (incorrectly called freedom of speech) is more important than the safety and welfare of our children. In the judge’s statement on the ruling he said that the law cannot erode the right to materials which the children will eventually inherit!

“Does this strike any of you as strange? When did it become a right to inherit access to illegal indecency? This is another clear violation and blurring of the lines between freedom speech as intended by our founders and freedom to sin as intended by our culture. Our founders never intended their deep wisdom to condone or even allow the “anything goes” culture we now have in our country. They intended this amendment to protect the rights of citizens to speak out against the government without being criminalized. But our culture has twisted and perverted and deceived until this “right” intended for good is now a “get out of jail” card.

“I will be the first to admit this law would have provided very little protection for children against online indecency, but at least it was a statement and a stake in the ground regarding the issue of online indecency. Now we have a different statement, “Porn trumps child safety”. And the flood gates continue to be open. I found it interesting that the ACLU used the argument that parents have filters, but they battle us constantly on putting filters in libraries. So a child has a filter at home but can go to his own school and have access to everything.

“Their logic is not only nonsensical, it is hypocrisy! It really burdens me to say this, but folks, don’t be looking for government to solve this problem, it isn’t going to happen! We are on our own. But there are things you can do! Protect yourself first, then protect your family with filters. Discuss the extreme harm caused by pornography when it is appropriate, encourage your pastor to discuss the subject, talk to family and friends! Tell everyone you know that porn kills! Christians have to understand porn is the root cause to most of our social evils. We have to stop it in our own hearts and homes. The American Decency organization has been saying this loud an clear for more than years than I can remember! Help them out! Ask God to change your heart and then ask Him to help you change the hearts of others! We no longer live in a country with good moral values, so we must live in homes with Godly values! You, the reader are our only hope!” Steve Ensley Executive Director Cleanwww Inc. dba/ AFO.net 850-897-3842 sensley@afo.net ========================================================== Let’s encourage one another and strengthen one another to be more like our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. American Decency Association Bill Johnson, President P.O. Box 202 Fremont, MI 49412 PH: 231-924-4050 www.americandecency.org

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