FOX’s onslaught continues

By: American Decency Staff

We appreciate it when you our readers alert us to concerning advertisements or programs you become aware of. Below one of our supporters tells of a new program on FOX that we have just begun monitoring.

Dear Bill,
Thank you for all you do. I too share your concerns about Christians not seeing anything wrong with watching this program. [“Desperate Housewives”] Have you covered or are you aware of the new Fox show entitled “Wedding Bells” (I think) which is equally as disturbing. The promos seemed to make it look cute and so while on vacation I turned it on. Within the first few minutes talk about orgasms and accepted casual sex were evident. I turned off the program. Just wondering if I have missed your coverage since I have been gone.


As stated above, “Wedding Bells” is truly revolting – featuring explicit sexual dialogue, a positive portrayal of illicit sexuality, and an acceptance of gay “marriage”. However, “Wedding Bells” goes even further by not only attacking Christian values, but also attacking the name of Christ. The show centers on three sisters who run a wedding planning business, but the plot often seems more focused on the sisters’ sex lives. One sister is highly promiscuous and after having sex with a man she just met tells him: “I’m not big on dating men I’ve slept with.”

And she isn’t the only one on the show who seems to regularly engage in casual sex. The male wedding photographer sleeps with a bridesmaid he met while working at a wedding. Another sister, Jane, is flirting with the idea of cheating on her husband and is attracted to a male co-worker who tells her: “You love Russell [her husband] very much, huh? And you want to have a long and happy life together, hmmm? And you can, Jane. You will. But you need to have an affair. If not me, somebody.  Somebody you can give passion to, but not your heart. If you don’t do it for you, do it for Russell. You need to have an affair.” Incredibly this is the perverted message – having an affair to make herself happy will make her husband’s life happier, too! The filth continues in other segments featuring nudity and discussions of male sex organs.

Another story line features a man and a woman planning a wedding where the groom appears to by gay. The minister initially refuses to marry them, but not because of homosexuality. The minister says: “This man is gay. I will not marry her to a homosexual. This is nothing against gay marriage. I have no problem with that. If you want to come before me with another man I will join you in union. I take no issue with gay marriage.” He later throws his “convictions” out the window when threatened with a lawsuit.

And finally, one segment that we find extremely disturbing is the blasphemous use of the Lord’s name which depicts the non-Jewish mother of the bride, whose daughter is marrying a Jew, telling the wedding planners to: “Get the mail order minister to slip in “Jesus” twice. I don’t care when. If he wants to stub his toe and say “J…s Chr..t” I’ll take it.” Fox thumbing its nose at Christians and blatantly mocking the name of our Lord!

We urge you to contact the advertisers of this troubling show and let them know of your great displeasure of their sponsorship of immorality and the blasphemy of the Lord’s name. Advertisers include McDonald’s, Olive Garden, Wendy’s, Denny’s, GMC, Sears, Pepsi.

For a complete advertiser list and contact information see the link below.

In addition, express your outrage to FOX.

News Corporation – FOX Broadcasting Company
Peter F. Chernin – President – Fox Entertainment
1211 Avenue of the Americas, 8th Fl.
New York, NY 10036
Phone: 212-852-7000
Fax: 212-852-7147

Let’s encourage one another and strengthen one another to be more like our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.

American Decency Association
Bill Johnson, President
P.O. Box 202
Fremont, MI 49412
PH: 231-924-4050

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