Fools for Christ part II

By: American Decency Staff

“… Nobody seems disturbed when a little boy or girl stares up and studies those magazine covers while mom unloads the cart. Satan is right there in that grocery store checkout line. Laughing at us. I am ready to take back the checkout line, that place that is a part of my life at least once a week. …” Personal note: In yesterday’s email we launched our new, long term campaign to roll back indecency at America’s checkout counters. link Please read yesterday’s email alert for the details of our calling out to many of you. Pray. As God leads, sign up (see how to sign up by reading yesterday’s email or see below). We had a good beginning response yesterday. The following email was received just this morning that articulates the concern that many of us have. Read it and prayerfully consider joining us coast to coast – long term in our faithful ministry effort.

My husband and I are ready to be Fools for Christ’s sake! Our local grocery store persists in displaying vile magazines right at the checkout where they are unavoidable. A few months ago, I decided to stand outside the store with a petition and ask shoppers to sign if they agreed that the magazines are offensive and should be removed. Every single person I encountered except one signed my petition, and once I had collected ten signatures I went inside to speak with the manager. His response was the same pathetic excuse I have heard over and over… “I can’t do anything about it. The corporate headquarters is in charge of that stuff.” I asked the manager to pass along my complaint and my petition to the corporate headquarters but, needless to say, the magazines are still there and it seems like they get worse every month. Nobody cares about how I feel as a young woman standing in that line in front of a middle aged man leering at those pornographic pictures and then at me. Nobody seems disturbed when a little boy or girl stares up and studies those magazine covers while mom unloads the cart. Satan is right there in that grocery store checkout line. Laughing at us. I am ready to take back the checkout line, that place that is a part of my life at least once a week. I will not just give it to the Enemy without a fight. Here is my contact information. Please let me know what I need to do to become an absolute fool for Christ. K. and B.G.

============================== To indicate, your interest, email us at and please provide your name, email address and phone number – any other information that you think might be helpful would be appreciated as well. To officially stand with us in this nationwide campaign and to receive your American Decency Association membership card, call us at: 888-733-2326. (Please allow three weeks for delivery as we are in the beginning stages of producing the membership card and instructional DVD). ========================================== Let’s encourage one another and strengthen one another to be more like our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. American Decency Association Bill Johnson, President P.O. Box 202 Fremont, MI 49412 PH: 231-924-4050

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