Fools for Christ campaign – an update

By: American Decency Staff

Fools for Christ campaign. I hope that you read the powerful email from the other day. Kathy from Austin, Texas, was used of God in a mighty way. A small but significant number of you have already requested the ADA membership card and the DVD that will provide helpful hints and suggestions as to how to speak up for decency at your local checkout. Our membership card has been designed and is in line to be printed. We hope to receive them by the end of the week. Our first round of taping was completed yesterday. We did well but not quite good enough. We have a little more work to do. We ask for your prayers. To indicate your interest and stand with us in this nationwide campaign call us at 1-888-733-2326 or email us at and please provide your name, email address and phone number – any other information that you think might be helpful would be appreciated as well. There will be a minimal price attached to this membership card ($25.00). This price will help cover the costs of the identification card, the DVD and postage.) ========================== The purchase of the church building Our goal was to raise $210,000 before the closing date of March 22. We are now at $225,000 with other monies yet pledged. We have reached our goal. Debt-free – that God would be glorified. Our next hurdle is going before the zoning board for a variance to alter the purposes of the building to include offices. That meeting is set for February 22. Our closing date is March 22. We rejoice at what God has done and is doing. We have been overwhelmed at the sacrifice of friends of this ministry. Many tears have fallen as we have received various accounts of how God touched this person and that one and they knew they were to give toward this ministry expansion. ========================== Vision Statement: The vision of the American Decency Association is that believers will recognize Christ’s great call for His people to love Christ, to hunger and thirst for righteousness, and to “be holy for I am holy.” [I Peter 1:15,16]. We are called to be that city on the hill that Jesus references [Matthew 5:14-16] shining forth His light unashamedly and yet gently for all the world to see so that His name would be glorified and captives would be set free. In addition, given the powerful and insidiously destructive influence of the majority of entertainment media, we are called to turn from our wicked ways of entertainment selections that dishonor the Lord and degrade us His temple (videos, movies, CDs, magazines, television programs, Internet sites, music). We need to be increasingly discerning regarding our choices of media entertainment, as well as the companies we support, aligning our choices as consumers in the marketplace with our moral convictions. ========================================== Let’s encourage one another and strengthen one another to be more like our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. American Decency Association Bill Johnson, President P.O. Box 202 Fremont, MI 49412 PH: 231-924-4050

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