“Desperate Housewives”: ABC/Disney will be adding a homosexual couple this fall

By: American Decency Staff

“Desperate Housewives”: ABC/Disney will be adding a homosexual couple this fall “… Here’s some big news: While trying to get Marc Cherry to reveal what he will be doing with gay teen character Andrew Van De Kamp on the upcoming season of ‘Desperate Housewives,’ he shared this bombshell: a male gay couple in moving onto Wisteria Lane! ‘We’re going to have the first male desperate housewives,’ Cherry (Mark Cherry creator of the program) said to me and a few other reporters at the ABC Press Tour party. …” [Greg Hernandez, writing for Out in Hollywood, July 29, 2007] In an interview with Charlie Butts, USA Radio Network News, I responded to a question regarding Christians and their response to the viewing of “Desperate Housewives” something like – Should Christians watch “Desperate Housewives?” Paraphrasing my response: “A Christian saying they love the Lord and yet degrading His name and work in their life by watching adulterous, blasphemous scenes -something’s dreadfully wrong.” I wonder how many people will unsubscribe because of my statement. But, I stand on this observation. A brand new believer may not know any better, however, but for the seasoned believer … We are to love righteousness and to hate evil. This program like many others is straight from the pit of hell. I urge you that view “Desperate Housewives” and name Christ as Savior and Lord to repent and turn away from it. This addition of a homosexual couple is just another evidence of its godlessness. I can hear it now “legalism”. No my friend. This strong stand is not about legalism but about love for Jesus Christ. “My sheep hear my voice and they follow me.” [John 10:27,28] The way of the cross includes the pursuit of holiness. Watching programs that diminish and defame the Name of Christ and His Kingdom principles is godlessness. Yes. It’s important to be able to try to hold advertisers accountable (and we’ll be reporting advertisers again this fall) but far more important it is to follow Christ – “Be holy for I am holy, says the Lord.” [I Peter 1:15,16] Donations accepted: https://secure4.afo.net/ada/main.php?f=donate/display9 American Decency Association Bill Johnson, President P.O. Box 202 Fremont, MI 49412 PH: 231-924-4050 www.americandecency.org

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