Dedicating the ADA offices for spiritual warfare

By: American Decency Staff

“… Rev. Donald E. Wildmon, founder and Chairman of American Family Association, has accepted an invitation to deliver a dedicatory message for the new home of American Decency Association. …”

As we have been working to get our new office building readied for ministry – scraping, painting, retiling, washing windows, roofing, etc., etc.. – we have looked forward to the day when we would be able to announce an open house.

In this newsletter, we will be sharing some details regarding the specifics of our open house and dedication service.
See newsletter:

The first order of business is the privilege of announcing to you that my mentor Rev. Donald E. Wildmon, founder and Chairman of American Family Association, has accepted an invitation to deliver a dedicatory message for the new home of American Decency Association.

Don’s message will be completing a day that includes an open house with a significant time for prayers of blessing throughout the building. ……Here is a schedule of events for the open house,
Saturday, August 4, 2007:

Open House 2:00 pm – 4:00 pm come as you are – come as you can

2:00 – Invitation to come look around the building and see what God has done and is doing as we develop our new ministry home

2:30 – Words of thanksgiving and prayer by Bill Johnson

2:45 – Join with others as we gather in the sanctuary for a word of introduction and prayer with other friends and leaders who will be asked to share a few words of greeting and prayer.

3:00 – We’ll be going throughout the building from room to room stopping for specific prayers of blessing in each room as we go.

***The north entrance way: Leading in prayer: Berny Slomp, Owner Barnabas Construction, Big Rapids, MI

***Bill’s office: Leading in prayer: Rick Rockman, Jr. , Rockman and Son Printing, Fenton, MI

***Lisa’s office: Leading in prayer: Jeff Kraker, Owner of IMS Computers, Hudsonville, MI

***Kimberly’s office: Leading in prayer Steve Ensley, executive director of American Family Online, Niceville, FL

***The kitchenette, Leading in prayer: Art Ally, President of the Timothy Plan, Orlando, FL

***The meeting room (se corner): Leading in prayer: Bud Somers, 90 year old, man of God, Evangelist, former Vice-President of Gideons International, Michigan

***The long hallway: Leading in prayer: Pastor Ron Workman, former Baptist and Bible Church Pastor, White Cloud, MI

The foyer: Leading in prayer: Barbara Listing, president of Right to Life of Michigan, Shepherd, MI (tentative)

***The area in back of the sanctuary (northwest): Leading in prayer: Stan Hartger, retired saint, long-time ministry friend

3:30 – Completion of the prayers of blessing: Todd VanDyk, Olivier/VanDyk Insurance Agency, Grand Rapids, MI

Special presentations: To have Steve Ensley and Art Ally with us at such a time as this, I felt that I would be faltering in my calling before the Lord not to ask them to give presentations regarding their ministry callings.

4:00- Steve Ensley, executive director, AFO

4:30 – Art Ally, president Timothy Plan

5:00 – break for dinner (on your own)

7:00 – Dedication service

To insure a seat, please contact us by calling, emailing or mailing a request for a reservation no later than July 30. We will do our best to make seating available to as many as possible.

phone: 888-733-2326
mail: ADA
P.O. Box 202
Fremont, MI 49412

The Minefield of

Donations accepted:

American Decency Association
Bill Johnson, President
P.O. Box 202
Fremont, MI 49412
PH: 231-924-4050

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American Decency Association
P.O.Box 202
Fremont, MI 49412
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