Caring about the “insignificant.”

By: American Decency Staff

“Why do you waste your time and energies on such trivia?” They then name a number of legitimate battles – there are plenty. Caring about the “insignificant.” Occasionally I receive emails from individuals calling me out. They then name a number of legitimate battles – there are plenty. Like: *** The failure to protect our borders *** The hate crimes bill *** Issuing marriage licenses to homosexual couples *** Liberal judicial activism *** Scandals in the Republican and Democrat parties *** Rampant pornography on the Internet *** The failure of the Justice Department to prosecute obscenity *** Television: a virtual wasteland *** The upcoming Presidential campaign Some call our ongoing concerns regarding indecency at the checkout counters and indecency at the local mall – insignificant. Insignificant? NO! It will never be insignificant to fight for time-honored standards of decency because these indecencies go against God’s Word and because it degrades His children. The Bible says “I will place no wicked thing before my eyes.” [Psalm 101:3a] As we have allowed, and continue to allow, images and themes promoting lewdness, it is lewdness that we get – lewd dress, lewd morals, lewd, coarsened behavior. In our public places, the tolerance and allowance of lewdness, communicates the acceptability of lewdness. John MacArthur refers to this as “… your cultural mind is gone. …” What prompted this was an email from an individual who has not succumbed to the relentless onslaught of trash and who is willing to stand up and be counted – whether successful or not in terms of accomplishing positive results for decency. Here’s the letter: I stand with you. I am so tired of going into a store, that sells magazines. Sometimes you can’t get away from them, like at the checkout. I email stores, and call them complaining about magazines, posters, greeting cars, yes greeting cards, which I now only purchase at our Christian book store, calendars, etc. We have a grocery chain, here in Missouri, that has some pretty offensive magazines in it, that is in the bread aisle, in our town. I called the stores, and the main office about them. The main guy I talked to at the main office was rude, but called me back later to see if the magazine situation had gotten better. Not at the checkouts, they supposedly get more money for the ones at the checkout. I was talking to my sister about the situation, she lives in another town, she told me that the guy that owns these stores goes to her church. I’ve tried to get a phone #, or an address for him, but no luck. She won’t ask him about the magazines in his store. I can’t believe a Christian man would want to sell smut, like the Bible says, “We aren’t to place wicked things before our eyes.” I won’t give up, I might have to visit her church one day. Thank you, C.C. ====================== A small number of you have requested the ADA membership card and the DVD that will provide helpful hints and suggestions as to how to speak up for decency at your local checkout. To indicate your interest and stand with us in this “Gideon’s band” campaign call us at 1-888-733-2326 or email us at and Please provide your name, email address and phone number – any other information that you think might be helpful would be appreciated as well. There will be a minimal price attached to this membership card ($15.00). This price will help cover the costs of the identification card, the DVD and postage.) ================================== American Decency Association Bill Johnson, President P.O. Box 202 Fremont, MI 49412 PH: 231-924-4050

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