Burger King ad: Associating condom use with eating burgers?

By: American Decency Staff

Picture a dad and his son, sitting on a couch watching TV together. Only both bodies are burgers, heads emerging from the buns. We have Dad Whopper talking to Whopper Jr. So far, so good. Cute premise.This dialogue follows: Whopper: "Jr., now that you're selling yourself for a buck, you're going to meet a lot of girls…." Jr.: "What?" Whopper: [with obvious chagrin] " When a Whopper loves a woman, they……. Here. Take this." Jr.: "What's this?" Whopper: "Extra napkin……..put it in your wallet." Jr.: [sarcastically] "Thanks, Dr. Love." Whopper: "Don't mention it." Surely this ad is another low for Burger King. It can't even claim sex appeal. Associating condom use with eating burgers? This is not funny; it is totally outrageous and disgusting! Please let Burger King know that you do not appreciate their crude ads or their sponsorship of immorality on television. Join me in telling Burger King that sex will not sell burgers to you or your family and as long as this type of advertising continues Burger King will be off your family’s menu. Contact: Contact Burger King: Burger King Holdings, Inc. John W. Chidsey – CEO 5505 Blue Lagoon Drive Miami FL 33126 Phone: 305-378-3000 Fax: 305-378-7262 Email: jchidsey@whopper.com Here's what one person described it: “Our family was watching TV Sunday evening and noticed a particularly disturbing Burger King ad. In the ad, the 'daddy', a Whopper burger, was talking to the 'son' a Whopper Jr. burger. 'Dad' told 'son' that now that he, the son, was on the $1.00 menu, he'd be meeting a lot of girls and dad gave him an extra napkin and told the 'son' to "keep it in his wallet". Well, my son-in-law and daughter just looked at each other. The meaning was clear and it wasn't to sell burgers! My three granddaughters and grandson were watching with us and, fortunately because they are 10 & under in age, they didn't know what was being implied by the ad. But, we adults did. This same ad was on later in the day, too. And they have a couple of other ads that are similar in message, all to promote the Whopper Junior. …" ===================================== Match Grant challenge. We received this gracious offer from an anonymous donor. "… I would like to again offer a $15,000 matching grant to anyone who hasn't given since 12/31/05 or to anyone who gives more than what they gave in 2006 (e.g. if they gave $1,000 in '06 and gave $1500 in '07, we will match the $500 increase as long as it was given between 9/10/07-12/31/07). We will match these gifts received from 9/10/07 through 12/31/07." Help us meet this challenge early. Thanks – https://secure4.afo.net/ada/main.php?f=donate/display9 American Decency Association Bill Johnson, President P.O. Box 202 Fremont, MI 49412 ph: 231-924-4050 www.americandecency.org

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