Breaking through the lies and deception regarding

By: American Decency Staff

“… You don’t consider 183,000,000 references to nudity wrong? MySpace has over 183,000,000 references to nudity which include images of nudity, links to nudity, nudity in advertising and every imaginable deviant sexual behavior. …” Questions and answers regarding MySpace with Steve Ensley, Chief Executive Officer of American Family Online, based in Niceville, FL. Question/statement. There is nothing wrong with MySpace. Answer: Really? You don’t consider 183,000,000 references to nudity wrong? MySpace has over 183,000,000 references to nudity which include images of nudity, links to nudity, nudity in advertising and every imaginable deviant sexual behavior. And this is only one category. How is this not wrong? – Steve Question/statement in response: I agree that the ads are a little out of hand but it is against MySpace’s rules to have nudity. MySpace has many homosexuals on it trying to brainwash others; but if Christians put up a fight we can stand strong. It is like a way to preach for the lost without a chance of getting hurt or anything like that. Thanks, P…. Answer: Hey P… – Thanks for responding. The truth is even though MySpace might have a rule against nudity, it is DEFINITELY not enforced! Any person can find partial or total nudity with 30 seconds. In many cases it will be displayed even when someone is not looking for it. It isn’t just the ads. That’s what pays for MySpace. The entire culture of MySpace is drugs, alcohol, sex and extreme bad behaviors. And I must respectfully disagree with your last comment. Christians who use MySpace will be hurt! They will be hurt spiritually and emotionally and some physically. I just spoke with a detective two days ago who is investigating the rape of an 11 year old girl who met a guy on MySpace, pretended she was 14 and then met up with him. This kind of thing happens all the time because of the nature of MySpace. Maybe a few well grounded Christians could evangelize on MySpace, but it certainly is not for everyone and is far too dangerous for Christians to use for entertainment. Thanks for listening. God bless! Steve Personal note: By the grace of God, we proceed in this dark age where there is so much deception and confusion where even Christians are blinded by having seen too much that they now find acceptable that which is clearly evil and against God’s standard of love and righteousness. Be careful Christian! “Put on the whole armor of God that ye may be able to stand against the wiles of the devil for we wrestle not against flesh and blood but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places.” [Ephesians 6:11-12] July bulletin insert Donations accepted: American Decency Association Bill Johnson, President P.O. Box 202 Fremont, MI 49412 PH: 231-924-4050

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