Back from DC

By: Steve Huston

I had a great opportunity this past weekend attending the Values Voter Summit at the Washington Hilton sponsored by Focus on the Family, Family Research Council, American Family Association, Alliance Defense Fund and others. At the event, we heard all Republican candidates present. The straw poll results were rather shocking with Mit Romney coming in first followed by Mike Huckabee.

Keep in mind, however, those poll results included people that were affiliated with Family Research Council across the country and so many were not in actual attendance to hear the candidates for themselves.

The poll for those onsite (that actually were at the summit) revealed that Mike Huckabee defeated Mit Romney 5 to 1.

As we look ahead, we recognize that one of the major issues that we may face as Christians is that if a candidate arises who is not clearly pro-life will you be able to vote for him.

In other words, Huckabee is recognized as a Christian and staunchly pro-life. Yet, there are others in the field who are clearly not pro-life. Mit Romney is not a Christian. He is a Mormon. Though presently he lines up as pro-life there are many that are not convinced that he is truly pro-life. He has not always held that position. Rudy Giuliani is not pro-life though he articulated that he is clearly for reducing abortion and that if elected President he would nominate Justices along the line of Judges Thomas, Roberts, Scalia, Alito.

Dr. Dobson (making it clear that he wasn’t speaking for Focus or for Family Research Council) stated that he could not and would not vote for a person who was not pro-life. He gave a tender statement in this regard as he completed the weekend event at the evening gala recognizing his retirement from the board of the FRC.

However, others, like Judge Robert Bork, stated that we need to recognize the implications of what is at stake in having another Clinton in the White House who will assuredly nominate candidates like Ruth Ginsburg and Stephen Breyer for example.

You may want to order the streaming of the Washington Briefing from AFA’s online store . In it you will be able to hear each of the candidates yourself and the full line up of each of the presenters for only $9.95. It is educational and worthwhile.

I recommend that you listen to all nine Republican candidates. Keep in mind that each of the Democratic candidates were invited but not one of that party accepted.

It is important that we be involved in the process all the way to the polls in November 2008.

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